Moving In

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"Shouldn't you be sitting on a wheel chair or something?" Jiyong asked as soon as they stepped out of the hospital. Dara got annoyed and attempted to walk away from Jiyong.

"Okay! Okay. I will shut up now." Jiyong has been extremely over protective and concerned about Dara after she was hospitalized. Dara found this amusing at first, but it got quite out-of-hand because Jiyong has been annoying more than anything. Dara still has a bandage on her forehead but beside that, she is feeling a whole lot better and she has assured him more than a hundred times that she's fine. But stubborn Jiyong is being Jiyong at his finest.

A car was waiting for the two of them in the driveway. As per usual, Jiyong assured that Dara's settled in first before he got in the car himself. Jiyong signaled the driver and off they go.

They stopped in front of an expensive looking home depot with a marvelous collection of house furniture, fixtures, and everything-you-need-to-build-a-luxurious-house kind of stuff. Jiyong asked Dara to pick whatever she likes but she doesn't feel comfortable picking super expensive stuff in there. She checked a comforter set and the price astonished her, it could fend the needs of the kids at the orphanage they visited for a month. Even a simple hand towel is expensive.

"Oppa. I know you live your life in the lap of luxury but isn't this kind of over the top?" Dara whispered in Jiyong's ear.

"I only want the best for you." Jiyong whispered at Dara's ear, too, he seemed sincere in what he just said so Dara was taken aback a bit.

"Okay. I get it. But... this is just too expensive. I know a place. Let's go." Dara whispered back.

"Why are we whispering?" Jiyong asked softly.

"I don't know. These expensive stuff makes me feel like I should be prim, and modest, and quiet. It's uncomfortable. C'mon." Dara pulled Jiyong arms, and in second, they were out of there.

Inside the car, Jiyong was just staring at Dara keenly.

"Oppa, to be quite honest, I don't like you spending money on me." Dara said looking faraway.

"Why? Where would I use my money instead?" Jiyong asked.

"I don't know. I just don't feel comfortable about it."

"Well I can't promise you I won't. But I promise I would stay away from ridiculously expensive stuff. Would that do?"

"You won't lose to me anyway."

Dara directed the driver to go to a mall in the middle of the city.

"We're here." Jiyong noticed how Dara's expression lightened when they arrived at the place. She seem to be fond of this mall.

"It's... a mall?" Jiyong asked. He still can't see what's so amazing about this place to the point where Dara demanded that they go there instead.

"It's a clearance outlet mall, meaning everything's on sale all year round." Dara ecstatically explained.

Dara basically dragged Jiyong inside the mall. She stopped midway thinking where to go first, she was so endearing looking confused like that. She couldn't figure out what she needs to pick because she still hasn't agreed to the idea of Jiyong buying her new stuff let alone the idea of moving to his place. She soon realized that she's been riding along Jiyong's idea all this while and Jiyong has been affecting her judgment on this situation. Of course part of her admits that she wants to spend more time with Jiyong, and maybe this is the reason why she's been going through this 'joyride' with him. 'How bad can it be?' she asked herself. Staying there for a few days wouldn't hurt her, Victoria seems fine about her being around her precious Jiyong, and they'd be attending school anyway so she will barely spend time at his place. Jiyong noticed the smile forming on Dara's lips, as if indication that she's accepting her 'fate'.

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