Commemoration Dinner

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"Now I see what the talk is about. You are indeed beautiful young lady, what's your name?" YG approached Dara. Dara looked up so as not to look impolite, she tried her best to look at YG straight in the eyes.

"Good evening sir, I am Park Sandara. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last." She said in her sweet voice.

"Good evening Sandara. I am glad I met you at last. Shall we go in?" YG asked.

They stood up in front of the double doors in line. The door opened and everyone in the dining hall stood up. TOP came out first, as he stepped out, the guests bowed at him. The TOP Dara saw was so different from the silly TOP she knew. He was just plainly walking but he looked so heavenly gorgeous. He looked every inch royal, as what he always say. It was too late when she realized that they were up next.

"Hold onto me. Don't be nervous. They'll like you. Smile." Jiyong smiled and he offered his arm, Dara snaked her arm into his, as they stepped out of the room, he saw the table near front where Bigbang was sitting. They were making funny gestures that made Dara smile. The guests bowed at them, too.

As soon as the guests laid their eyes on them, murmurs started to arise. Some were even gawking at the 'stranger on the Dragon's arm'.

She looked at the man beside her and her heart skipped a beat. He looked so different compared to the warm Jiyong she loved. She looked like she had an scoliotic spine compared to his regal posture. Some people looked nervous, even though he's just walking in front of them. His face is void of emotion, not an ounce of nervousness.

They stopped and stood in front of a table in the center. All the murmurs died down as soon as Victoria and YG stepped in. When YG walks past someone, the person bows and rises only after he passed. He looked like someone who you wouldn't want to mess with.

It was so fascinating for Dara, and she could not believe the level of respect and admiration these people has for Jiyong, TOP, Victoria, and especially YG.

YG went up straight in the small stage, just behind their table.

He gestured everyone to sit down.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman. I want to thank you all for attending our annual Commemoration Dinner. We are here to look back and to celebrate the lives of our fallen brothers and sisters. I know no words could make the loved ones they left feel any better. But we offer respect and tribute to their sacrifices for The First Court.

Also, here to celebrate with us are the descendants of our Founding Fathers. Choi Seunghyun, descendant of the noble family of Choi." TOP stood up and went to the stage, where he bowed and stood next to his uncle, the people clapped as they recognized his presence. "Yang Victoria, my only descendant, the descendant of the noble family of Yang." Victoria did the same. "And Kwon Jiyong, the successor of The First Court, our future leader, the descendant of the noble family of Kwon."

Jiyong bowed to the people, too. The Court's members stood up and clapped.

"We also have a special guest, may I call in miss Park Sandara. Mr. Kwon's... partner for tonight." YG stuttered. Again, murmurs filled the room, but it died down behind Bigbang's loud claps. Dara stood up to go up the stage, too, praying so hard that she will not tumble or fall. She safely stood up next to Jiyong, who immediately held her hand. Murmurs flooded the hall again, this time louder.

"The feast will begin momentarily. Thank you very much." YG went down the stage to sit on their table. Jiyong, Dara, TOP, and Victoria did the same.

The feast were served and they all had their fill of the dinner, except Dara. She was so nervous she wouldn't even know if she's stuffing the food in her mouth or her nose. Their silence were broken by Victoria's sudden interest in Dara.

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