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Dara brought with her all the photos they have. It was as if Jiyong's unit went back in time when he hasn't met Dara yet. All of Dara's colorful stuff were gone, her stuffed animals, the photos she took. The only photo of Dara that Jiyong has is in his wallet.

His unit was stripped-off of all the warmth Dara brought with her.

He was feeling melancholic with the rain that suddenly poured. He remembered the night they last shared. The night he last saw Dara.

He didn't know what has gotten into him but he suddenly bolted to the door, outside his unit to the garage. He rode the first car his hand laid on then he drove to Dara's old apartment. He still has the keys to her old unit even though four years have already passed.

He entered and saw her old place. Most of the stuff were gone, but it still looked the same. He feels like if he waited long enough Dara would arrive from work and would rest in her bed. All the memories flashed by Jiyong's mind like it was yesterday. Dara's bunny slippers. Her books. Her bed. The photos on her wall. It seemed only yesterday, not yesteryears. He thought he was silly not to go there after she left. That place has a lot of memories, too. He went inside her room. The place where they spent a few nights together, and there he saw the familiar notebook, the notebook that Dara always has with her.

It was laid in the middle of the bed, as if a treasure waiting to be found.

He sat on the bed. Thinking about whether he'd read the contents or not. Reading could result into two things: him gaining hope, or a total closure.

In the end, he decided to stay and read the notebook.

He closed his eyes, remembering how Dara looked when she holds the small notebook in her hand. A small piece of her lays on the pages of this tiny notebook. A piece of her mind. A piece of her heart.

He heaved a deep sigh and opened the notebook on the first page. He began reading excerpts from her entries on her day to day life.


Hi. Nice to meet you, I am Dara. From now on you will be my diary, sketchbook, and scratch paper. I moved to the capital city today. It was my first day at school. I am sad because the people there saw me differently. They thought I don't belong there, all because of my social status. I've never thought discrimination still exists these days, even here in the city. I was played at back in my hometown, too. They said I was too small and too frail, they make fun of me. Here, some people tried to stand up for me, but I am afraid that they'd be tangled in this trouble, too. I wish the bullies would stop. But it is okay, I know they have their reasons...


I've started at my part-time job today. I am happy that I get to do what I want while being paid. I really like music. I've never had my own piano so I am really happy that I get to play and sing at my job. It is near school; few people visit at my shift because it is late at night. It relaxes me. I miss my family already...


Today I tried to find an organization to join at school, but I didn't find any. I was at the grocery store when I found a grandma who was struggling with her grocery bags so I helped her. She told me she's running an orphanage together with her husband, I am going to visit them on the weekend, I am excited. My shift is uneventful like the nights before it. Nobody really pays attention to me or to my music, but it is okay. At least I get to do what I really love...


I visited the orphanage today. It was the old home of the couple. I admire the couple; I dream of having a love like theirs. True and timeless. I respect the couple for taking in and taking care of the kids despite their age. They do not have much, I wish I could help them, but my mediocre salary can't even pay for my rent. I wish I could do something for them, too...

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