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"Uncle, I wanted to get a crest for Dara, but I am not sure where to acquire one. I asked Mr. Lee but he asked me to ask you first." Jiyong went down on his uncle's place early in the morning to ask him about this matter. It took him a while before he realized that he wanted to do this. Having the crest can mean safety sometimes, and when it comes to Dara, being too careful wouldn't hurt.

"You want her to have a crest? Our crest?" YG asked, he seemed shocked about the idea.

"Yes. Our crest." Jiyong confidently answered.

"Well that isn't your decision to make." YG said. "I don't think I could give you permission to give her one. She isn't part of the family after all. Only the members of The Court and their family can have The Crest. Especially our crest, we could not just give it to anybody. There are just... four... of that in the world." YG then stared ahead of him, as if trying to find something in thin air.

"But she isn't just anybody to me." Jiyong exasperatedly argued.

But YG hasn't snapped from his daze yet. His eyes looking far ahead, as if he remembered something he long forgot. As if someone reminded him of something he does not want to remember.

"Uncle, is there something you're not telling me?" Jiyong tried to cut him off his daze.

"What? No. Go now." YG said, then he turned around to enter his bedroom.

"I said she isn't just anybody to me. Soon, she'll be part of the family." Jiyong defended.

"You know better than that Jiyong." YG dismissed him.


Bom and Dara went out one day to catch up on gossips. They were always with Bigbang so they don't get much chance to have their precious girl talk. As usual, they have guards with them. Bom wanted to go on a spa day, but having guards tailing on them proved it to be quite impossible. And so, Dara suggested the mall, it was a hot sunny day, perfect for a day out. Dara and Bom went shopping first.

Before, their shopping routine consists of: Bom dragging Dara into the mall, Bom making Dara try on some clothes, then Bom paying for them. So, after shopping, when it was time to pay, she was surprised to see Dara taking out a credit card from her wallet.

"What is this rectangular thing I see?" Bom asked, scrutinizing the black credit card.

"A credit card?" Dara answered the obvious question. "It was given to me by Jiyong. I actually don't want to use this, but I'm sure you'd pay again." Dara looking at the credit card that is already on Bom's hand. "So I will use this just this once. Besides, I bought Jiyong some stuff, too. So..." but she was cut off by Bom.

"I know it's a credit card silly. But that is a black credit card." Bom pointed out, the two cashiers on the counter heard them, for a moment, they had this shocked look on the face. They looked at Dara then smiled. Bom rushed the cashier so that they could go out and talk. They decided to go to a café, they sat on the table at the corner. As soon as they got their coffee, Bom demanded for the card, she scrutinized it and sighed. "A black card huh." Bom mumbled.

"Yeah, well I wasn't able to choose the color. Why?" Dara was so confused; she does not get what the fuss is all about.

"You can't just request what color you prefer lady. Black credit card means no limit. It requires a huge net worth, and it is usually by invitation only, you can't just apply for a black card."

"What?!" Dara was so surprised by this little information.

"Sly Kwon must've opened a bank account under your name or something, and he's that influential to have someone from the industry to actually send an invitation under your name for a black card."

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