Chapter 47: The Call

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*Janelle’s P.O.V.*

Shock and fear; that was what all of the girls felt right now.

“Janelle! Gather up the rest of the girls and rush over to London Hospital. The boys have been in a horrible car accident, and it doesn’t look good.”

Paul told me those exact words as I answered my phone earlier this afternoon, shopping through Forever 21. That was when my world came crumbling down.

“Janelle what’s wrong? You look a little pale,” Eleanor asked as my jaw just dropped.

“Boys. Car accident. London Hospital. Now,” was all I could spit out. I saw the faces of the other girls. They were confused, but I could tell they were already thinking what I was trying to get out. “We need to get to London Hospital now,” I said already rushing out of the mall.

“We need 5 spaces open now!” a nurse said rushing out of the ER. I looked and that’s when I saw about 20 paramedics rush through the door: 5 stretchers, 4 paramedics to each. The first stretcher: Louis.

“LOUIS!” Eleanor screamed and ran right next to the stretcher. Next boy in Liam.

“LIAM!” Danielle shouted.

“ZAYN!” Darcy yelled. And the last two: Harry and Niall. Ashley and I just ran to them.

            Blood was rushing down all of the boys’ faces. There were cuts all over their arms, legs, and face. It was everywhere. Niall and Liam both had black eyes. Zayn had a huge gnash on his right leg. All the boys had neck braces on and each was being pumped in with air.

“I’m sorry ladies, but you’re gonna have to wait in the waiting room,” a paramedic said.

“We need to be with them!” Eleanor pleaded, watching as Louis was being rolled away. Tears were streaming down all of our faces.

“I’m sorry, but we need to get them stabled. Once that is done then you will be able to see them. But as of right now, I’m sorry miss,” the paramedic said calmly.

“C’mon guys,” Darcy said trying to pull us back to the waiting room. “They’re in good hands.” We backed up and that was when they closed the doors right in front of us.

            We peeked through the small window in the door and just when I thought that I couldn’t pour out any more tears, more just came out. They all looked so lifeless. They were just lying there on their stretchers, unresponsive to everyone around them. I saw Niall and wait. Are they taking out the defibrillator?!  I rushed to the waiting room and just sat in one of the chairs. So many emotions just rushed through my head.

            I can’t imagine my life without Niall. Next week was supposed to be our one-month anniversary. Please God. Please let him be ok. Please.


I slowly opened my eyes and saw the rest of the girls slowly getting up as well on their chairs. I looked up and it was the same paramedic from earlier.

“I’m sorry to disturb you ladies, but I would like to inform you that One Direction are stabilized,” he said.

“Where are they?” Danielle asked quickly.

“Down the hall. I believe Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Zayn Malik are in room 430. And Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson are in room 431.”

            Before you knew it, all of us went running down the hall. Darcy, Danielle, and Ashley went into room 430, while Eleanor and I rushed into room 431.

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