Chapter 56: Thanks for the Presents

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After Harry and I’s talk outside, we walked back in to see everyone getting ready to leave. Well almost everyone. I first said goodbye to Liam’s family, then Zayn’s, Louis’, Niall’s, and lastly Harry’s. After that, Simon, Mark, Tom, Lou and Paul left. I’m guessing Ashley left while I was outside. Eleanor, Danielle, and Darcy then left, leaving only my family. The boys left to go start cleaning up around the house. I insisted that I help as well but they just telling me no.

“Hi Janelle,” CeCe said, being the first one to speak. I just glanced at her.

“Please talk to us Janelle,” my mom then said.

“And say what?” I asked finally looking at her. “What do you want to say to me mom?”

“We’re sorry honey.”

“Save it mom, I’ve heard enough of your apologies,” I said standing up, getting ready to leave.

“Please stay,” Grandma Rose pleaded. I closed my eyes and just decided to stay there, but only for Grandma Rose.

“We didn’t know until after the accident as well,” my mom continued. “Your father just came home and blurted everything out after collapsing on the couch. We were going to tell you, but you were out with the girls and you were already going though a lot with taking after the boys and the case.”

“We knew it was wrong, but we only did it to help you Janelle. We’re sorry,” CeCe said. I looked at her and I saw the tears that were going down her face. “We miss you.”

“So when were you planning to tell me?” I asked.

“That’s the thing,” my mom said, “we didn’t know when was the right time.”

“We didn’t mean for all this to happen Janelle,” Cece said interrupting.

“So what am I supposed to do now?” I asked the both of them. “Just forgive you like that and move in? Because I can’t do that. The trust that is supposed to be there within in a family has gone away.”

“We don’t expect you to forgive us,” my mom said, “but we hope that you can someday. We love you, Janelle.”

“We have some early Christmas presents since we might not see you during Christmas,” Grandma Rose said. “CeCe how about you go first.”

“Ok,” she said nervously. “Well I know how you love looking at the stars, so I got you your own star.” She reached behind her and grabbed a piece of paper from her bag.. It was certificate for my star.

“Wow,” I said gazing at it. “Thanks CeCe,” I said looking up at her.

“I guess it’s my turn,” my mom said. She got up from her chair and went behind it. She returned back with a board. She turned it around and it was the board that I hung above me in my old room. “I thought you might’ve missed it,” she said handing it to me.

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