Chapter 55: Thanksgiving Night

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*Janelle’s P.O.V.*

I was preparing the table when I heard the doorbell ring. I went to go get it, but Louis already beat me to it. I remained in the kitchen and a few seconds later I see Louis coming in with him a woman and five other girls behind him.

“Janelle, I would like you to meet my mother, Johannah, and my sisters, Georgia, Felicite, Lottie, Daisy, and Phobe,” he said gesturing to each of them.

“Nice to meet you all,” I said smiling. “No wonder Louis is so good with the girls,” I said laughingly.

“Haha very funny,” Louis said sarcastically. The doorbell rang again and this time Liam went to go get the door.

“Harry! Your folks are here!” Liam shouted throughout the house. I looked towards the door and saw two more women walk in. Harry rushed downstairs and went to hug both of them. He noticed me and started walking towards me.

“Janelle,” he said uncomfortably, “I’d like you to meet my mom, Anne, and my sister, Gemma.”

“Why I’ve heard so much about you!” Anne said hugging me. “You’re as beautiful as Harry has described you,” she said smiling.

“Thank you,” I said sheepishly. “Now I see where Harry gets his good looks from,” I said trying to break the awkward tension. We all chuckled and that's when the doorbell rang again. Liam reopened the door and this time it was Simon and Paul that walked in.

“Hey Simon! Hey Paul!” I said giving both of them a hug.

“Hi Janelle,” they said returning my hug. The doorbell rang and Liam reopened the door to finally what seemed to be his family since he said, “Finally! There you guys are!”

“Janelle!” he said rushing over to me with his family beside him. “I’d like you to meet my parents, Geoff and Karen, and my two sisters, Nicole and Ruth.”

“Very nice to meet you,” I said shaking their hands.

“Now come on,” Liam said gesturing to his family moving onto the kitchen.

“He’s always on the move,” Karen said passing me, and I chuckled. The doorbell rang once again and saw that nobody was going to get it. I rushed to the door, opened it, and saw Mark and Ashley standing before me.

“Hey!” I said giving them both a hug. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!”

“The boys didn’t tell you?” Ashley asked.

“No they actually didn't,” I said opening the door all the way for them.

“Very lovely place you guys got here,” Mark said studying the place. “Must be a luxury living here.”

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