Chapter 50 Pt. 2: Surprise!

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Lights were flying around the club, music was being blared out of the speakers, and people were dancing and having drinks. It looks like everyone is having a wonderful time. Zayn was jumping up and down on stage with his DJ equipment, Liam was dancing on the dance floor with Danielle, and for Louis, he was dancing with Eleanor and was holding a drink in his hand. He’s probably really drunk by now.

            I looked around some more and that’s when I saw Harry making out with some girl. Of course… whoa wait a minute. I took a second glance and that wasn’t just some girl. That some girl just so happened to be Ashley! Well looks like they’re gonna be doing some talking in the morning.


“Jaaaannnnneeeelllleeeeeee! Thisss is the beeessttest party I have ever gooonnnee to!” Well I guess Harry and Ashley finished their make-out sesh because as I turned around, Ashley was headed over to me right now. She is completely drunk.


“You having fun?” I asked laughingly.


“Who wouldn’t?!” Oh gosh. She was completely loopy. “You know, Harry is such a good kisser! And he’s soooooooo handsome!”


“Why don’t you just go ask him out then?” I asked, still laughing my butt off.


“I’ll do that right now!” she said starting to walk off again.


“You do that Ashley.”


“I love yooouuu Janelle!” she yelled grabbing another drink off of the bar I was sitting at.


“Love you too Ashley!” I shouted back, turning back around to the bar.


“Oh! And by the way, Aaron told me you look beautiful tonight!” Immediately I turned back around. What the hell? I tried to spot Ashley, but she was nowhere in sight. Where did she go?

            Aaron? Why the hell would she mention Aaron?

            It looked like she was heading back towards the dance floor. Every step I took somebody would just bump into me. At least everybody is having fun. But where is Ashley? How would Aaron know I look beautiful? And that's when it hit me. He’s seen me. He’s watching me. My breath got shaky and all I wanted to do was hide. The memory of being in his apartment came rushing to my head. How he grabbed me from behind, how he put a knife to my neck, how he threatened that it would not be the last time I would see him. Will it do it again? Will he grab from behind again? Will he try to take me with him to wherever he goes?

            I could feel my heart pounding inside my chest. I looked around and there was still no sight of Ashley. Was she kidding? Maybe she was just imagining stuff. I mean she is completely drunk, but why mention Aaron? I mean out of all people?


“Now there’s my lovely Janelle,” someone said as they snaked their arms around me. I panicked.


“NO!” I screamed, tearing the arms off my body. I turned around and instantly pushed them away. The next thing I know I was off running. “Somebody help me!”

            There were just too many people at this party. Bodies just kept getting in my way. It’s like I was trying to avoid the hammers swinging at me, but I just kept falling off the small narrow plank I was walking on.

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