The Man Who Speaks With The Dead

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Couple minutes later we reached double doors and we all stopped. The girls each grabbed one doorknob and turned to me.

'Have fun, miss' first one said with unnatural smile.

'Everybody is waiting' second one gave me another fake smile. I didn't like them one bit.

With one synchronized pull they opened doors and I was met with buzzing crowd. There were hundreds of people in the ballroom kind of room chatting, drinking and dancing. The room itself was white, pillars were supporting the ceiling. To my right were a bunch of people playing different instruments, right before me were tables, pushes back by the wall, full with all kinds of food. I turned my head to the left and saw a half circle made out of thrones. Their shapes were all different, showing what God sat there.

The moment I walked into the hall, doors were shut behind me and everybody turned their head to me. It took them only a second to begin murmuring between themselves and I knew the topic was me.

I scaned the room once more and decided to have something to eat. As I began walking, avoiding people as much as I could, I heard a familiar voice scream my name.

'ERAAA!!!' I sharply turned and saw Astrid bolting towards me. She gave me a bear hug and lifted me into the air while I just laughed at her childish act.

'I'm so glad you passed' she said as she put me down and I looked at her confused.

'Passed? What do you mean?'

'Passed as in won over your God and he let you live' Astrid smirked and I glanced at people surrounding us. Only now I noticed that few of them were glowing. Like, I could see different colour of auras around them. Those few also had a lot more expensive clothes than us that didn't resemble greek fashion at all and some even had armor. They all had tattoos on different parts of their body in all kinds of shapes. If I were to guess, it was a way of them saying "I'm a God/Goddess bitches!".

'I see. So what now?' I asked and looked at Astrid who simply shrugged.

'If I would guess then we wait for our Gods to take us.... wherever they are living' she said and I frowned.

'I'm not going anywhere with a stranger to whom I had to almost sacrifice my friend' I said with my plain voice, but before Astrid could respond, a voice, very light and beautiful at that, rang through the hall.

'Well, well, well! If it is not a champion of Hades' the voice said and I turned to a woman who spoke. She was very small with long silver hair that curled down her back. In her hand she held a mask with a sad face. I noticed that around her neck was a silver tattoo with notes that looked like a necklace.

'With the voice almost as good as yours, Melpomene' another voice said and all looked towards the thrones. I noticed a man sitting in the middle. He had white hair to his shoulder that curled a bit, white beard and super light blue eyes, just like the sky. He wore white tunic with gold embroidery and his tunic was worn the way that everybody could see his muscles.

I felt that the woman before me was important, so I glanced at Astrid who shook her head.

'She is the muse of chorus or muse of tragedy' she whispered and my face lit up. So she was one of the nine muses.

Melpomene saw our little exchange, but said nothing. She grabbed my hand and pulled me right in the middle of the hall, before the thrones.

'Are you saying that a human has a better voice then me, father?' Melpomene asked, but her voice changed on the word father. It was as if she was mocking him.

'All I'm saying is that she has a beautiful voice' Zeus said and looked at me. I felt shivers go down my spine when our eyes met. I felt like puking.

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