The River's Edge// part 2

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The River's Edge// part 2 --

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The River's Edge// part 2

"You made some new music?" Hayley asks Archie.

He didn't tell her that he had been working on his music during the summer. She was a little hurt by the news. Being there for him, supporting his music, complimenting his songs was something she had spent a long time doing, and it hurt to know that she wasn't the only one who did so. It hurt even more to know that he put more faith in the other girl than he did her.

Archie avoids looking at Hayley but nods nonetheless. Betty looks in between them, confused. Usually Hayley and Archie would sit side by side, and Archie would have an arm thrown over Hayley's shoulder. They would be laughing and making jokes, but it was different this time. Now, they sat on opposite ends of the table, away from one another and Archie could barely look over at Hayley. Hayley, who was a pretty good actress due to being in Theatre for 4 years, even looked like she didn't want to be there. However, she kept a forced smile on her face.

"We'd love to hear it." Betty speaks up. Archie nods and hands Betty, who sat across from him his iPod. Betty gives it over to Hayley, knowing that she would know the passcode.

Hayley looks at in apprehensively. What if he changed it? It use to be her birthday, but after hearing him basically confess that he liked someone, she wasn't so sure.

Nevertheless, she types in 0915, and waits for the iPod to tell her to try again, but it didn't. His screen opens and she taps the music icon, pulling up one of his songs that she didn't recognize.

The music plays loudly around the lunch table as the three friends listen.

"Can I join?" Veronica walks over to the table with a lunch tray in her hand.

Hayley smiles up at her and moves over to let her sit, "Yeah."

"What are we doing?" Veronica wonders as she puts her plate down on the table.

"Listening to one of Archie's songs." Kevin answers, moving along to the music.

"I thought we were going to have to pretend to like it, but it's actually really good," Hayley teases him, forgetting that they just broke up a couple of minutes ago and that he cheated on her. She wanted things to go back to normal, but her definition of normal included kissing Archie whenever she wanted and after today, she doubted anything would ever go back to being normal.

"Wait, that was you singing?" Veronica asks him in shock, "Something you wrote?"

"It's rough," Archie replies humbly.

"No, it's great," Betty tells him with a smile.

"It's incredible, actually, the little snippet I heard," Veronica one ups Betty's compliment, "Is that your thing? Music? Are you doing something with that?"

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