A Touch of Evil// part 2

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A Touch of Evil// part 2


"So, what did Moose want?" Hayley speaks up. before anyone can ask her about Issac.

"Oh, my God," Kevin exclaims, "I don't even think he knows. I mean, I am devastatingly handsome in that classic, pre-accident Montgomery Clift kind of way, and sexuality is fluid, but can someone named Moose actually be that fluid?"

The three girls laugh and Veronica says, "Okay, well, I ship it."

"Well, of course you would. You're a big city girl with loose morals," his eyes widen when he realizes what he just said, "I just meant that Moose has an official girlfriend, Midge. Anyway, it's terrible to say, but part of me wishes he would just stay in the darn closet. Obviously, I didn't mean literal closet."

They walk outside onto the courtyard for lunch. Hayley glances at their usual table and sees Archie sitting there with his guitar. She then glances over at Cheryl's table and sees her sitting by her little minion, munching on some salad.

"Hey," Hayley turns over to Betty, Veronica and Kevin who had already begun to walk in Archie's direction. They look back at her, only now noticing that she wasn't following, "I have to talk to someone for a quick second."

The three nod and watch as their friend turns away and walks towards Cheryl's table, their eyes widening as they realize who it was that she wanted to talk to. Why in the world would Hayley want to talk to Cheryl Blossom willingly?

Meanwhile, Hayley moves forward towards Cheryl who glances up in surprise.

"Cheryl," she speaks up as all the people at the table turn to look at her with very hostile eyes, "Can I speak to you? Alone?

Cheryl glances around at her table before smirking, "Whatever it is that you want to say Hayley, you can say in front of my friends."

"Cheryl," Hayley sighs in frustration, "For once in your life, stop being such a bitch and talk to me."

"Fine," the girl rolls her eyes and stands up. Together the two walk over to a secluded part of the court yard beside the school, right where Archie first told Hayley that he had cheated on her. It seemed that whenever something bad happened to Hayley or a secret was disclosed, it was right here.

"We need to tell the police," Hayley blurts out.

"No way." Cheryl disagrees, her eyes full of anger and fear, "If my parents ever knew, they would kill me."

"Yeah well Jason's already dead!" Hayley replies back bluntly causing Cheryl to flinch at the 'dead' part.

"Don't you think I know that?" The redhead hisses back, "When I went to go identify my twin's body, do think it was easy?"

"Look," Hayley sighs, knowing how hard it must be for Cheryl, "Cheryl, I know you're upset and scared, but we know something that can help in finding Jason's killer."

"Telling them that he didn't actually drown won't help anything."

"They'll find out one way or another when they realize that Jason doesn't have any water in his lungs," Hayley tries to reason with her, "I feel bad for not stopping him. He even called me after you left him at the other side and he said he felt weird, like someone was watching him but I told him to keep going, to finish what he started if he was sure that he wanted it. Cheryl I feel so guilty."

And then, for the second time in her life, Hayley Cohen cried in front of a Blossom. Even though she maintained a strong, hard face, the tears coming out of her eyes and her red nose and eyes and her slightly trembling figure gave away everything. Cheryl takes in a deep breath as she herself tries to hold in her tears, but she is unsuccessful.

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