Body Double// part 2

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Body Double// part 2


"If print journalism is dead, what am I doing here?" Jughead questions Hayley and Betty as soon as he walks into the classroom reserved for the school newspaper.

"The Blue and Gold isn't dead, Jughead. It's just dormant," Betty smiles and pushes herself off the table she was previously leaning against yo walk towards the raven haired boy, "But waking up. You're writing a novel, right? About Jason Blossom's murder?"

"I am. Riverdale's very own In Cold Blood," Jughead states as he looks around the room.

"Which started out as a series of articles," Hayley interjects, "We're hoping you'll come write for the Blue and Gold."

Jughead still looks unsure, "I just don't think the school paper's the right fit for my voice."

Betty groans, "Juggy," Hayley smirks at the nickname, "Jason's death changed Riverdale. People don't want to admit that, but it's true. We all feel it. Nothing this bad was ever supposed to happen here, but it did. I want to know why."

Jughead sighs and takes a second to thing about it. He nods slowly and looks at the two girls, "Would I get complete freedom?"

"I'll help, and edit," Betty smiles sheepishly, "And suggest. And Principle Weatherbee said Hayley has to check over everything before it prints because she's the only person in AP Lang who agreed to do it," she notices the look Jughead gives her and quickly adds in, "it's your story, it's your voice."

"Doesn't sound like complete freedom, but..." he trails off, "I'm in."

"Okay great!" Betty claps her hand in excitement, "Um, in that case, I have your first assignment. There's one person who was at the river on July 4th that no one's talking about."

"Dilton Doiley and his Scouts." Jughead picks up immediately.

"Exactly," Betty grins.

The two teenagers don't say anything after that and just gaze into each other's eyes unintentionally while Hayley looks at them in glee.

"Alright well," she stand up but the couple doesn't look over at her, "I've gotta go meet Issac, so see you guys later."


"What hell is a sticky maple?" Is the first thing Hayley hears Veronica say as she nears her friends. Hayley sighs. She knew this would end up happening. Chuck was an asshole.

"It's kind of what it sounds like. It's a Riverdale thing," Kevin tries to explain and Hayley scoffs, making her presence known. The three glance over at their friend before Veronica speaks up again.

"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing. And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton. Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol," Veronica spits out.

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee," Betty suggests.

"Yeah, cause that will work," Hayley snorts

Betty shoots Hayley an exasperated look as in to say 'you're not helping'.

"Yeah! About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?" Veronica questions Betty and she sighs.

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