☆The Dragon Guardian☆

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Kido's POV

"Kido! C'mon! We need to get you to dress you up!!" Mom said, I hate this kind of things but I still have to do it! For my parents!

"Coming Mom!" I said and rushed down and we went at the place where their gonna dress me up.

"Took you so long, The Matchmakers a picky person, y'know." Nojiko said with a grin with her face.

"Sorry..." I apologized.

"Go get in!" She said, I went in the place, and she started to undress me and pushed me into the bath, It freezing! Did they put ice in this thing?! And when I got out they chose the perfect dress for me, A purple cocktail dress thag has green flower designs down and white outlines, I wore it and then they start brushing my hair which was hard......and then they braided my hair and made it look like bon, and then some ornaments, (necklace) pearls of jade that came from Grandma, (earings)diamonds of Zeus from Nojiko, and from Mom (hair ornament)flowers of Neptune, my shoes purple dollshoes, I still have my anklet which was given to me by my Sisters, I wonder how they are but I have to focus!

When we were at the MatchMaker, There was 4 ladies which was Rin, Miku, Luka, and Olvia, they were prettier than me, we were silent waiting for our names.

"Our Guest is Prince Kano of Kagerou Country." The Matchmaker said while gesturing to a blond guy, he seems to be stating at me, we were all surprised, why here? I'm sure I'm gonna fail this.

"Kido Tsubomi." The Matchmaker called and I walked straight forward and bowed my head and looked up to the Matchmaker.

I was inside the Place, And boy, was I nervous! God, I hate that smirk of that Prince' face, at the same time...I liked it....weird of me.

"Kido Tsubomi, you're too tense, want me to help you calm down?" Prince Kano said.

"No, thanks." I said with a cold glare.

"No need to glare, Tsubomi-chan." He said while protecting himself with the teapot, wait...

"That teapot is-!"

"HOT!!!" He dropped it, and broke it I went to him and looked at his burn.

"It's so red...." I whispered.

"Prince! Please come with me for a minute!" I demanded.

"S-Sure..." He said, wow he's really in pain, I took his hand and we ran to my house where Mom and Dad usually are.

"The Ceremony's Finish alre-!" I cut her off.

"Mom, treat this person, he touched a really hot teapot." I said with a worry tone while pointing at the Prince, Mom took a look at his hands, she gasped.

"A 2 degree burn! Get him in! Nojiko! Get these herbs!" Mom ordered and gave her a piece of paper.

"Got it." Nojiko said and rushed to the garden.

-After Treating Him-

"Prince Kano, are you alright now?" I asked him.

"Yes I'm alright now." He said and I sighed in relief.

"Tsubomi-cha-!" He was about to say something but he was cut off by someone calling him.

"Kano!" I saw a guy with black hair and wearing a red royal wear...I forgot what it's called.

"Shintaro! Why are you here?" He asked and dragged Kano away, after they were talking, he looked so serious, he went to me.

"Tsubomi-chan, please tell your parents thanks for treating me, and thanks for keeping me here." He said and kissed my hand, I blushed tomato red.

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