♡The Rose In The Forest♡

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Shintaro's POV

I was wondering around the forest, it's boring in the palace like heck, *sigh* my brothers are growing up so fast, Seto found himself a girl at the forest and Konoha found a girl at the FOREST, Kano found himself a girl during training, they grow up so fast.

I wonder if Mia is gonna someday come out of that prison of hers and find someone...That day will never ever come.

I was walking until I heard singing.

"Once upon a dream~" The voice sang, is this some princess thing? No, I saw a beautiful girl wearing a red scarf.

"Beautiful." I said.........I SAID IT OUT LOUD, AND SHE NOTICED ME!!

"Umm....are you lost?" She asked with fear laced in her voice.

"No, I'm just wondering around the forest..." I said while looking everywhere avoiding her gaze.

"Oh, What's your name, Dear Prince?" She asked now with a cheery tone.

"U-Um...It's....Shintaro." I said still not looking at her.

"I'm Ayano but my Aunts call me Rose." She said, getting a feeling that she's smiling.

"Ohh...That's a pretty name, can I call you Ayano?" I asked.

"Can you please look at me?" She said, I got nervous, I can't talk to her! I can't talk to women while looking at them, my Mom and Sister is an exeption! I suddenly felt hands on my cheeks and then my face was looking at Ayano, which was a few inches from my face, I suddenly blushed at this.

"There's no need to be embaressed!" She said and quickly took my hand and we went to a pond, it was inside a cave, the pond was shaped as a heart and there was a lot of colorful flowers around there.

I looked at Ayano and she was holding two flowers, it was a rose, it was pink and red rose.

"Ayano? What's that for?" I asked, she giggled.

"It's to put it to the Pond, it's my first time to put flowers on the pond with someone with me." She said while smiling, she gave me the red rose and we put them in the pond which floated away.

"You know, there's a saying if you come here, you'll find your one and only true love!" Ayano said with a happy tone.

"So, my true love will come here?" I asked.

"Yes, it was said that you two are fated to be together!" Said with her eyes sparkling.

"What if....my true love was beside me?" I said with a glint of hope, Ayano looked at me with tomato red face.

"Th-That's impossible! A-A Prince like y-you needs a-a P-Princess!" Ayano said while covering her face with her hands

"Just kidding." I said and chuckled, just...what if...

"D-Don't joke like that!" She said still red from my joke, I pat her head and smiled at her, she became more and more red, redder than tomato.

"U-Umm....I think we need to go!" Ayano said as she stood up, she tripped and fell on top of me....and now I blushed three times redder than her, and as for her she fainted, guess it was because of shock...

I stood up and carried her bridal style, she was red...really red, guess I shouldn't have joked about that....I don't know where to go, but I followed a stone road...and it lead to a cabin in the woods...I knocked at the cabin.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Do you know the girl named Ayano?" I asked, I heard voices that belongs  women that was on their late twenties or early thirties.

And the door was by a girl with orange hair.

"Rose! Oh dear lord what happened to you?!" The girl with Orange hair exclaimed.

"Did something happened to our Rose?!" A girl with caramel brown(?) Hair said.

"What did you do to our Rose?!" The girl with black hair said.

"Um, she tripped and fainted! I swear I didn't do anything!!!" I said to them, it took awhile to convince them but I finally did.

"So Prince, I'm Nami!" She said and smiled.

"I'm Koala!" The girl with caramel brown hair said.

"And I'm Robin." The girl with black hair said.

"So Rose dragged you to the Love Pond? You two must be fated." Nami said while smiling.

"U-Ummm....I don't think so....she's a really pretty girl, she doesn't need a useless guy like me..." I said.

"You and Rose think the same way! Listen! You two are NOT useless!" Koala said.

"I can't even protect my sister." I said to her.

"You really think like Rose, the important thing is that she is alive!" Koala said to me and smiled.

"But..." I was cut off.

"No buts! And also you should go, Prince, the king is worried." Robin said and pushed me out the door.

"Um, Tell Ayano sorry for what happened earlier!" I said and they nodded.

I got back to the Palace and Koala was right, Father was worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Shintaro! Where the heck have you been?! We've been looking for you!!!" Father shouted, he's never been like this, if something stressed him, I think it's a fight between us or Mia escaped.

"Father what happened?!" I asked.

"Konoha and Hibiya got on a fight, Hibiya is currently in his room and as for Konoha, he went to the forest..." Father said, I sighed and went to check on Hibiya's room.

"Hibiya...Are you there?" I asked as he answered me a yes.

"What did you and Konoha fought about?" I asked him while he looked away.

"Uggh! Just because he's older doesn't mean he can controll me! I mean, I know what's currently happening...there's that stupid war, but that doesn't mean he can controll me!" He whined.

"You know...you're becoming like Mia." I said to him, he looks confused.

"How so?" He asked.

"You're whining about how 'no one controlls me!' And how she locks herself in her room rather than facing her problems." I answered.

"I guess you can say that...I just wanna go to Mekakushi Village..." He said.

"Why is that?" I asked him, he looked emberessed.

"I don't know....a part of me said to go there....I wonder why..." He asked himself.

"You know, you should come with someone, And I'm wondering why Konoha, picked the forest...." I asked Hibiya.

"Probably to see that girl named 'Ene' I guess..." He answered.

"You owe your brother an apology, Hibiya." I said and walked out of his room, if someone's fated to be together that's This Ene girl and Konoha.

That's the end! Sorry for ummm adding a bit of that...and like I said in the description, I won't follow the Script :) and then next up!

Escaped Mermaid


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