♡Royalties Are The Most Selfish People, Right?♡

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Momo's POV

Simple A/N boi: THE CREEPYPASTA'S POWERS BELONG TO ME!! GOT THAT? TO ME!! I Made this powers so....I don't really know...I JUST DECIDED IT SO YA'LL SHUT UP AND STOP AND DON'T EVEN THINK ON COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW THE PASTA'S POWERS WERE NOT IN THEIR STORY!! If you ever complain, it's fine, JUST PLEASE COMPLAINS ARE ONLY IN THE MAXIMUM OF THREE(3) SO ya'll shut up, JUST DO NOT SAY I DIDN'T WARNED YA BOI...Sorry for the words I spoke, I'm just saying that the powers of the pastas belong to me, m'kay? Again...So so so so so sorry for my words, if it was hurtful...Sorry for the LONG WAIT even thou I said this was a simple A/N, let us goooo!!!

Urrggg....I woke up, I felt something soft under me, I must be at the pastas' bed....Wait...No....I remember it...WE WERE ATTACKED BY THAT GUY!! Kaito!!


"I really have to thank you for the information you gave me, now I'm here to take Momo Tateyama back." We turned to the source of the voice, it was a darked haired blue guy.

"Who are you, bastard?!" Jeff shouted, suddenly water and it surrounded Jeff.

"Jeff!/Jeffery!/.../YOU BASTARD!! I'M THE ONE WHO'S GONNA KILL HIM!!!" The words amd silence that was spoken.

"I mean no harm, I just want Princess Momo back, I don't wanna hurt you." He said sincerly but that wasn't enough for us to trust him.

"Unhand Jeff first, then I would come to yo---!"  I was cut off with a shadow shaped hand, the water around Jeff disappeared.

"Rule #1,  my Queen, never trust a Messiah's sacrifice that belong to the Yuuei Kingdom." Jeff said.

"Guess my act is up..." He mumbled, we were suddenly surrounded by water.

"I tried the easy way but you all won't give in, so why don't we try the hardest way?" He said evilly.

We're almost out of breath, well except for Jane, she just stood there,  she took out a book and the book wasn't even getting wet...She chanted something.

The water suddenly disappeared and we were back on having our breath...

They all told me to run away from here, and then I did, I didn't wanna leave them....but I just have to...

I bumped into someone but I was so focused that I got and still ran, when I heard my name called by the familiar girl voice, I still ignored it, I didn't notice where I was until someone grabbed my hand, I looked back and saw...Prince Hibiya, but then a white cloth was covered in my mouth, the prince was terrified....and the last thing I knew...

*End Of Flashback*

I started to silently cry, I left Jeff and the others...I left them...I even dragged someone to my problem...I looked at my hand and saw some of the wounds that I didn't know existed was treated, by the way, where am I? I wiped my tears but they still fell from my eyes.

"Are you okay?" A male's voice asked, it was a guy, he looked really worried.

"Y-Yeah....I'm fine." I said and wiped my tears.

"Hibiya was really worried that you wouldn't wake up, it's been 5 days, there was a guy who tried to attack you, luckily, Hibiya saved you." He said, I was taken a bit back....A Prince...? Tried to save me? But they're all selfish!

"And yeah, Mary's also worried too..." He said...Mary?

"Mary?! Like the fluffy white-haired girl who looks really frail?!" I shouted.

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