☆The First Day Of The Ball☆

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Third Person's POV

Ene was just thinking about her siblings, and then to the Prince Konoha, she suddenly blushed and covered her face mumbling things.

A knock was heard from her door, she checked and saw Perona.

"Perona-sama? What is the matter?" Ene asked.

"We don't have anymore bread...Are you tired? I'm gonna buy the bread instead!" She said.

"But isn't the first day of ball today? Aren't you suppose to get ready?" Ene asked.

"....Oh....Oh god...I'm gonna get ready....Like now!!" Perona said and rushed to her room.

"I wonder what she likes about the baker..." Ene wondered to herself, she is thinking about going to tue ball but she knows her step-mother will not allow it, also...There are rumours that The an Army was attacked by the enemy.

"I wonder why they chose to have a ball now..." Ene mumbled.

She also remembered they were out of bread....AGAIN....she sighed and went to get ready.

After that she left and went to buy some bread, it seems like everyone is getting ready for the ball, if only she can go.

'it's a distant dream anyway.' She thought and went from the usual baker, Not the baker that Perona wants to see.

"Hey, Shouto? I need more bread." Ene said as she saw the two-colored haired male in the counter.

"Again?" Todoroki asked.

"Yes, by the way, where were you when I bought bread last time?" She asked.

"...Doing some buisness somewhere." He answered and gave her the bread.

"Anyways...Wanna stay for a cup of coffee?" Todoroki asked.

"I'd love to but maybe next time...I need to go, bye Shouto." Ene said as she left.

When she left, Todoroki took out a crystal and chanted something, and then Mayu's image appeared.

"When should I capture The Princess?" He asked.

"Wait for it, Her Sister can wait for awhile." Mayu said and the crystal shattered, causing a tiny explosion, which made his burn a little.

"Damn it, Mayu." Shouto mumbled.

At Ene

She sighed, when she arrived home, she put the bread at the place where the bread usually is.

The bell rang, Monet and Perona is calling for Ene, The blue-haired girl rushed to Perona and Monet's room.

She opened the door to Monet and Perona's room (which was originally her room).

"What is it, Perona-sama? Monet-sama?" She asked.

"Make my hair." Monet said.

*After Helping The Siblings*

Ene sighed as she went to the basement, it was tiresome on helping them tie their hair, wanting different styles, many ribbons, making it puffy, curling it.

She watched from the window as her step-sisters and step-mother left for the ball, she went to her basement.

She was surprised, she almost screamed when she saw three little girls in her room with wings.

"Oh! I'm sorry for barging in! I am Caramel!" Said the girl with Caramel colored hair, and caramel colored-eyes, and her wings were angelic wings, she wore an over-sized robe.

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