☆Things Happen☆

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Kido's POV

I woke up, another day, another painful training....They still haven't found the princess yet...Oh where could that Princess be....

I stood up did my daily hygene, wrapped chest with bandages, get dressed, tie hair, go outside.

"Good Morning, Soldiers!" Commander Kano greeted, we saluted and said Good Morning as well.

"So we are having a hard training than we did yesterday." Kano said...I've had enough with this.

We were at Archery, shooting three arrows at once, I did archery once....I failed.

And it was my turn Len and Mikuo failed and Piko and Yohioloid was ALMOST perfect.

I shot the arrows and NONE of them got the target....Instead it went to Len almost pierced by my arrows.

"How did that come to me?!" Len asked shaking in fear.

Commander Kano sighed, and Kuromi was trying her best not to laugh at Len.


"Soldiers! I am VERY disappointed at you! IO, you act like a girl, Kira you act like a girl as well, Len stop getting distracted and stop staring at Kira, Mikuo stop eating Negi, Yohioloid, stop looking at Io and focus on training, Piko stop thinking about things and focus! Loki stop fishslapping the people around you, and Kuroko, where the heck have you been?!" Commader Kano shouted...Wow he has a side he'd never show...

"I've been here the whole time..." Kuroko mumbled enough for me to hear because I was beside him.

"You all are dismissed!" Kano shouted and we went to our tents, which me and IO share...oh and yeah IO's name is actually IA, she's also a girl, there's no man in their family, the father left them.

"Commander almost caught us..." I said to IA.

"Yeah...who knew being in the training grounds can be hard than going to get dressed to the Matchmaker!" IA sighed.

"Haha, I'm gonna go take bath, see you IA." I said as I went out with my horse Jean, I started to get undressed, Len who was passing by saw me.

"What are you doing?!" Len asked.

"Taking a bath." I said as I am fully undressed.

"They might see you!" Len said with an annoyed face, he's like my Father-Figure in the training grounds! OverProtective!

"It's fine!" I said as he said fine and walked away, I went to the water, and took a bath, it was relaxing....*Snap*

Someone's here! Ughh bad timing! I wonder who it is, I checked and..........Shoot....It's Commander Kano, he's gonna take a bath, ohmygod!! Panic! Panic! Panic!

I silently walked away, as he was still distracted...Kuromi isn't with him, shoot, He noticed me....F!ck.

"Kira? Is that you?" Commander Kano called...Shoot....

"Yes?" I asked hiding my body at the water.

"Why are you hiding?" He asked.

"Hiding? What hiding?" I said.

"You're hiding behind a rock." He said.

"Oh..." I realize as I still didn't come out though, so he then had enough and pulled me away from the rock and I was facing him, my face was tomato red, gaahhh! Why is this happening?!

"Kira, you look sick, are you alright?" Commander Kano said, as he went closer to my face.

"You know you look a lot like your sister, Kido." He said.

"U-Umm...you think so?" I said quietly while covering my chest, he seems to be getting Pissed off by my actions, he tried to take my hands of my chest but I won't budge.

"Kira, just let your chest and talk to me properly!" Commander Kano shouted.

"No! I'm sorry Commander but it's the only order I can't obey!!" I shouted back and then he tripped and fell on me, my hands where suddenly on the air and...and...I felt hands on my chest...and I felt it being squeezed three times...

And I realized....


Kano's POV

I was trying to get Kira's hands of he's chest! Dang it! Why won't he just take it off! We're both guys!! Grr...Suddenly I slipped and fell on top of Kira, he's hands where on the air and I felt something soft.....I squeezed it about 3x and saw Kira blushing...A lot...

"KYAAAAA!!" Kira shouted, I suddenly looked at what I'm holding....it was....Oh my god....I blushed a lot and was having a little Nosebleed.

"K-Kira....tell me...this is a dream....r-right?" I said still not removing my hands from he's, wait he has breasts! Is he considered as a she now?! I squished it again....and got a hit on my face, this isn't a dream....

"KYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! COMMANDER'S HARRASSING ME!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!" She shouted, then I felt a hit on the back of my head and fell into darkness.


I was about to Join Kido on the bath but I heard...

"KYYAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! COMMANDER'S HARRASSING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!" I suddenly went to the water and hit Commander back at the head.
"That was a dream..." I whispered to he's ear.

I looked at Kido, she was crying crocodile tears.

"I'm never gonna get married!!" She cried.

"What did he do?" I asked her and I learned that he just squeezed Kido's breasts for like....I don't know probably 4 or 5...

"Well...I don't think he'll able to remember..." I said and just by the right time Kuromi arrived, when she saw us and Commander Kano, he took him and wrapped him with towel.

"Me and the Commander are sorry for Disturbing your 'passionate' moment!" Kuromi said and was about to go away.

"NO! YOU GOT THE WRONG IDEA!!!" I shouted, as Kuromi sighed deep, she's carrying Kano.
"...Kido-san, umm...I'm so sorry for my Commander's Action!" Kuromi apologized.

"No, it's fine, he gets what he deserves, I'm gonna sleep now...g'night." I said while getting dressed and walked away with IA with me.


Five Days Of Ball


Extremely sorry for cussing :)

*Takes White Rabbit and Disappears*

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