Chapter 27

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My eyes felt a little heavy as I opened them. I was back in the old house, my old house, nerd old house, that house everyone lived in at one point.

I sat up on the couch rubbing my eyes kind of confused, I don't remember coming back here or falling asleep. The last thing I remember was driving home.

"Mer!" I call out to see if we came by for a visit or something. No answer.

I walked up the stairs and into the kids room. "Mer?" I asked when I walked in but it wasn't Meredith, it wasn't even an adult.

"Ellis?" I asked and she turned around "oh uncle Alex!" She yelled and came up to hug me and picked her up.

"What's going on? Where's your mommy?" She shrugged her shoulders also not knowing.

I walked down the stairs with her in my arms and when I looked in the kitchen my stomach dropped. He was wearing what you'd expect him to wear, clothes he would wear on his day off to play with the kids. I couldn't believe my eyes.


I was confused maybe I hit my head or something. Maybe I was dreaming.

"This isn't a dream Alex, I'm really here, or I guess your here."

I walked up to him gave him a once over and then hugged him. Tight.

"Oh is this my sweet girl?" He asked pulling away to look at Ellis. "Ellis, do you know who this is?" I asked her and she nodded her head even though she had a confused look on her face.

"It's daddy." She said and a tear escaped Derek's eye. I gave her to Derek and he hugged her so tight, I don't know what I would do if this was me.

"Daddy I thought you were dead?" She asks and then it dons on me "I am baby." He says "wait Derek I'm confused."

"Here baby go play while I talk to your uncle Alex, I'll come and play in a bit." He says setting her down.

He wipes his eyes "Alex, you're here because you're dead." He says and I look at him feeling the tears "you're lying" I say not believing him.

"That why you can see me." "Where is everyone else then?" I ask a tear escaping. "They're coming some might be here just waiting around the house."

He then pulled me into a hug "thank you for taking care of her." He says and we both know who he's talking about.

"She misses you, they all do." I tell him and he nods "I miss them so much" he says his voice cracking. "Okay well there's someone waiting upstairs for you so I'm gonna go play with my daughter, I don't intend on keeping her up here." He says giving me a sad smile and walking away.

I hear footsteps upstairs and I walk up stairs. I walk into a room and I see him.

"O'Malley." I smile and he comes up to me shaking my hand and pulling me in for a hug. "We have all missed you." I tell him "we've all missed you and everyone else." He says with a smile.

He was wearing his army outfit. "You look good wearing that O'Malley." I tell him and he thanks me "I can't believe everyone's lives man." He tells me and I give him a confused look.

"Meredith and Derek, they're kids, you having that little girl of yours." He smiles "I hate when someone comes up here, after I saw Lexie I honestly couldn't believe it, then Derek." I nodded my head.

"O'Malley, an I here forever?" I ask him "I don't know it's your fight Karev." He tells me  I give him another hug.

"I've missed you, you were the good one out of all of us." I told him and he pulled back keeping the tear back "oh don't I know it, you guys are practically mad down there without me." He says winking.

I walk out of the room with him and he goes down stairs telling me to go to the attic.

As soon as I get up there I see them, the couple that everyone loved, the two that were meant to be.

"Alex!" Mark shouts with a smile on his face "wish you weren't up here but I'm glad to see you." Lexie says coming up to me to give me a hug.

"Congrats on your baby girl." She tells me "oh yes congratulations Karev, you're a daddy!" Mark says "speaking of daddy's how's my baby girl?" He asks and Lexie snuggles into his side.

"Good Mark, Callie and Robbins might be having another one." I tell him smiling. "Oh yes good." He says "yes we don't want Sophia to be the only child." Lexie says with a smile "we would've given her siblings but..." she says making a funny face.

Her and Mark laugh together and it reminds me of so much, "how's my older sister?" Lexie asks me still sort of laughing "good, it's a little hectic, we're trying to raise a bunch of kids." I tell them chuckling. "You better make sure they remember us and know who we are." Mark says.

"I still can't believe they had my nephew after I was gone." He says shaking his head. "Well he does know about you and is fascinated with plastics because of you, in trying to talk him out of it." I joke playfully. "Hey I hope that kids grows up to be just like his uncle Mark, he gets the most beautiful girls." He says winking at Lexie and she nudges him.

"Your niece is down stairs if you want to see her." I told them and they look at each other "Ellis." I tell them and they both get sad looks on their faces "hopefully not for long." Lexie says to Mark and they walk down stairs, leaving me alone.

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