Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

I drove for 3 days stopping to collect supplies and gas, then continuing on, I was driving through a long stretch of land being careful not to stop too long, knowing that I was classed as a rogue now that I severed ties with my pack, I wasn’t sure where I was going to go or what I was going to do but the apprehension that I felt wasn’t overshadowed by the immense relief I felt from being free of my pack, my wolf although initially sad and broken, seemed to collect herself and she too was happy, I flashed back to the conversation that we had over the rejection


Me- “Hey, how are you doing, I know I feel hurt from the rejection but you were also rejected and your wolf wasn’t at fault it was his human, how are you feeling. I heard her whimper slightly and felt shitty for bringing it up”

Nia- “as much as I want that to be the case it isn’t although I wasn’t rejected by mate, but yours my mate did not defend me or make an effort to stop him, he didn’t fight for me therefore he doesn’t deserve me, you’re hurting just as much as me if not more, I want you to know I’m proud of you.”

I scoffed

Me-“proud? What of I have done nothing to be proud of I was weak stupid and I didn’t defend myself, I’m not submissive but yet I let them walk over me like I was worth nothing my parents would be so disappointed in me if they saw what I have become” I felt tears falling down my face

Nia- “ you have to remember you haven’t been thinking straight especially after the death of your parents the choices you make from this point are what really count, we’re special Kadie, believe in yourself and believe in us, we’ll make it, we’re at our strongest together and we will find the happiness we truly deserve, I know it”


I smiled and felt so proud that I had such a strong and wise wolf, happy that together we could be strong for one another and approach everything with logic.

Coming back to reality I realised that my car seemed to be slowing down and smoke was coming from beneath the bonnet, I pulled over the side of the road not considering where I might be and stepping out to look under the hood, to try and make sense of what was happening, my attention being consumed with what was wrong with my car, I didn’t notice that I was no longer alone until I was well and truly surrounded, I heard someone clearing their throat, and I whipped my head around, startled.

Realising my position and my current position I felt panicked but managed to reign it to come across as calm and collected. “ I’m sorry about trespassing on your territory, but as you can see my car seems to have broken down, I could call for a tow and be out of your hair in no time” I said hoping that it would appease them and they would let me go,  but I had no such luck

The guy in front of me was around 6ft 3 he had light brown hair sporting a surfer look, light blue eyes and 3,0 clock shadow, it suited him he cleared his throat “ you don’t seem like much of a treat-“ before he finished that I growled “I wouldn’t say that” I drawled “ but no one has done me any harm and like I said I’m just passing through” he eyed me warily “ well in any case it is up to the alpha, on whether your allowed to leave or not” as much as I was a dominant she-wolf me and Nia recognised authority and we gave respect where it is due, I retrieved my bag from in the car and made to follow the guy in front of me, only just recognising his aura and perceiving him to be the beta. Having a quick glance around I noticed the other 3 guys that tagged along 2 looked similar sporting the same dirty blonde hair and warm chocolate brown eyes one had a slightly crooked nose showing it had been broken once to many times we shifters might be good with the whole healing thing but that doesn’t mean we aren’t susceptible to imperfections, I’m guessing they were brothers, the other guy had midnight black hair and gorgeous sapphire blue eyes, I’m sure he was just as attractive at the other guys but h had a deep scowl on his face so I couldn’t be too sure, why was he scowling? you ask, I’m thinking he had something against me or perhaps rogues, because that scowl only seemed to deepen when he caught me glancing at him, I smiled inwardly a crap as my life had been and the knocks I had taken I used to be a mischievous person, I loved to play pranks and rile people up, so the fact that my presence was affecting someone just made me want to giggle, which in itself made me happy because it seemed like I was getting my old self back.

We walked up to the pack house and I felt my draw drop it was beautiful and seemed strangely familiar, it was massive and the front entrance was surround with floral terraces and a wide spaced front yard, we walked into the front door and then took a left into the living room which is where the  Alpha stood his back to me, I studied him while his attention was held on the phone call he was currently held in, he was tall I think about 6ft 5 he had wide shoulders and was very fit and muscly he had long blonde hair tied at the nape of his neck and his scent was a mixture of oreo’s and strawberries I would recognise that smell anywhere a grin spread across my face and just as he seem to be disconnecting his call I leaped on his back squealing “ Mikeyyyy!!”

Michaels POV

Pack business seemed to be getting more and more stressful these days and with the rogue sightings increasing I was feeling the stress up to my eyeballs, Danny my beta just linked, to tell me they were bringing a rogue in to see me which was weird because they normally attacked first and asked questions later, I got off the phone to one of the neighbouring Alpha’s making arrangements for their pack training , when I was ambushed by someone jumping on top of me “ Mikeyyy!!” they squealed, that voice, where did I know that voice from “ dammit Mikey and here Is me thinking that I was rated memorable enough to have a lasting impression, damn I guess you take a boys ice cream away and he does all he can to forget you” I heard the smirk in her voice,  “ when we were pups I told him the ice cream van only played music when it ran out of ice cream and he cried like a bitch for 4 hours straight” my pack looking amused, confused and slightly worried not sure if the girl was delusional or if I really did know her cracked up at that, a grin spread across my face “ Kadey that was a rotten trick and you knew it, it played music all the time” growled out playfully.

She jumped down from my back and I managed to turn around before she tackled me again in a proper hug “ I missed you so much Mikey, I had no idea this was your pack house, but fate works in mysterious ways, luck must have led me here” I smiled at that and got a good look at her, although she was smiling it didn’t quite reach her eyes and she looked severely underweight, her clothes looked big and they hung off her like she was a clothing rack, I could tell that something was wrong, I drew her over to the couch and motioned for the rest of the guys to come in, “ Kades what’s wrong, you don’t look so good, why aren’t you with your pack, where’s Kade” I was confused when I saw tears spring into her eyes before she drew a shuddering breath in and then launched into everything, explaining what had been going on, to say I was furious was an understatement. I was so close to shifting….

Kadie POV

After finishing explaining what had been happening I looked around and saw the angry look on all the guys faces, if I didn’t know it wasn’t directed at me I would be shitting myself no joke, I looked up and saw Mikey was on the verge of shifting to I did the first thing that popped into my head I grabbed the ball I saw lying on the table waved it in front of his face then threw it across the room yelling “FETCH!!” the look on his face was priceless I cracked up I was laughing so hard that tears were running down my cheeks I was so distracted I didn’t realise that I was no longer sitting down but seemed to be in motion, coming back down to earth just as I felt myself being launched in the air and landing with a SPLASH!!! Oh no he didn’t the idiot threw me in the pool, oh well two can play at this game, I didn’t come back up for air I just floated to the bottom knowing that he would jump in after me, I could hear their frantic shouting and then I heard several splashes as they jumped into the water searching for me, I swam under the water and to the side lifting myself out and watching the chaos as they continue to search for little old me, getting tired of all their bitching and wailing I cleared my throat and watched as all their heads snapped up and focused on my, I raised my eyebrow “ did you lose something” and innocent expression pasted across my face I barely contained my laugh at the lost looks they were sporting “good one Kades you got us, just wait till I get you back” “you sure you want to do this Henderson, don’t want you crying to mummy like last time” “bring it Daniels, we’ll show you what it’s like to play with the big boys” “oh it’s on like donkey Kong” I called over my shoulder going back inside to find my bag and get out of my wet clothes, and realising I needed enforcements and a little recon was necessary.

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