1 • Christmas Proposal

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Christmas Proposal

"Justin?" You call as you reach for the other side of the bed noticing it's still warm but his masculine body is no longer there.

"Yes sweetie? I'm downstairs love" he answers and then you are suddenly hit by the delicious smell of pancakes and coffee.

You lazily get out if bed and throw a soft warm dressing gown on because you're quite cold on this snowy Christmas morning.

As you are making you way downstairs you find yourself getting lifted up bridal style and carried the rest of the way.

"Merry Christmas babe" he announces kissing your nose lightly.

"And merry Christmas to you too bubba" you say and return the favour by lightly kissing him on his cheek.

Justin then sneakily moves his head sideways making your lips make contact with his and you both close your eyes and continue to make out.

He then sits you down in front of the fireplace and throws you a present.

"Don't worry this isn't all I got you, but I figures you would like it" he smiles.

You begin to unwrap the present and find he has gotten you a beautifully knit ombré scarf. Just what you wanted!

"Thank you so much honey it's beautiful, I love it. But not as much as you" you say making him chuckle.

You put on your new scarf and reach over to the Christmas tree to get his present and hand it to him.
He gives you a playful kiss on the forehead and unwraps his present to find a beautiful watch engraved with "Justin and (y/n) forever" on the back.

His eyes light up and he crawls over to you giving you the biggest hug.

"Thank you so much bubba I couldn't have asked for anything more special"

As you begin to pack away all the wrapping paper, Justin taps you on the shoulder.

"I still have one more gift for you, remember?" He reminds you will a smile playing on his lips.

He pulls out a box from his sweatpants pocket. Your heart races and your checks flush a bright shade of red.

"To show my love is eternal" he smiles as he gets down on one knee.

You eyes beam and you can't wait to hear the words that come next.

"(y/n), will you make me the happiest man in the world?" He asks with a hopeful yet someone what nervous smile.

"Yes! Of course bubba! Oh my gosh!" You agree, feeling your smile grow even bigger if that were even possible"

Before you can even think about what just happened, you feel his soft lips crushing against yours.

This is the best Christmas of your life.

I hoped you like it! This is my first imagines book! I have only written one other fan fiction book (I'm still updating that regularly too so check it out lol) so what do you think? Comment and vote! Please and thankyou xx

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