6 • Record Deal

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Record Deal

(Imagine you are a good singer but you just do it for fun. Not many people know about your little talent)

You wake up to the annoying constant buzzing of your alarm clock.


It should be illegal to wake up this early for school.

You slowly roll yourself out of your queen sized bed and drag your feet to the bathroom.

You have a nice warm shower, which wakes you up.

Followed by applying your makeup and brushing your teeth, you head downstairs for some breakfast.

"Good morning sweetheart" your dad greets you.

Instaid of replaying with a nice 'good morning dad' back, you skip straight to the point.

"Hey dad, I was wondering, considering I couldn't get tickets to the Justin Bieber concert, can I come by after he is gone while you are taking down the lighting and practice my singing? Like when everyone's gone?"

Your dad is the lighting assistant at your city's concert arena!

"Yeah honey, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get you tickets, I know how how much you wanted to go, it's just they had sold out before I could get my hands on them. Just come by when the concert is over and I will set you up a mic so you can practice" and with that he kisses you on the forehead and you leave for school.

*After School*

You pull into your familiar driveway and head inside.

Dad isn't home yet, he is probably doing the lighting Justin's concert right now...

You sigh, feeling a bit upset you couldn't go, but you start to get ready to go after it's finished.

You love to practice in the arena because all the microphones and sound is set up. You are not very confident with your singing, so you are glad it's only your dad who is there when you sing. It's so great he got the job of a lighting assistant!

You realise the concert should be finishing soon, so you grab your car keys and head out the door.

You pull up at the concert arena just as everyone is leaving.

You head inside and go to see your dad.

You find him sitting at the lighting desk.

"Hey dad" you say giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey honey, you can practice anytime you want now honey, it's still all set up from Justin's concert" he smiles.

"Ok! " you say as you head for the stage.

You dump your bag in the floor and walk up the steps to the main stage.

You grasp the mic and and begin to sing...

(Imagine you sing Ariana's cover of Justin's song "Die In Your Arms" but in this imagine, let's pretend it's your cover, not Ariana's lol)

[insert lyrics here]

You finish the song and you are out if breath! You hear your dad clap and you bow for him and giggle.

Just as you go to pick up your bag from the floor and get ready to leave, and figure walks up to from the back of the arena.

As he steps closer and closer, you begin to recognise who it is...


"Sorry to bother you, but was that you singing?" He asks.

"Uhhhhhhhmmmmm yes......." You blush and smile like a weirdo.

"You have an amazing voice. No, I mean it. It is flawless. Do you sing professionally?"


"No I don't, I don't think I'm good enough to do that..." You say shyly.

Seriously though. You don't think you're good enough to sing professionally because you have never really had singing lessons before...

"Well, I certainly think you could make it in the music business, you know Scooter right?" She asks.

"OMG yes I do" you smile widely.

"Well, maybe I could get him to sign you, or something like that. Your voice is too good to just forget about, and I know he would love it to! I could even mentor you" he says excitedly.

You can't even believe what is coming out of his mouth. This is the best day of your life. Justin wants to mentor YOU!? He wants to get Scooter to sign YOU!? Justin freaking Bieber is actually talking to YOU!?

"Wow that would be such an amazing opportunity. I can't believe it!!!! Thank you do much!!" You say clapping your hands and jumping up and down like an idiot.

Justin laughs and pulls you into a hug.

"Let's swap numbers so I can reach you once I let Scooter know about my plan" he says as you both break from the hug.


You are going to get Justin's phone number!!!!! COULD YOUR DAY GET ANY BETTER!?

You both swap numbers and take photos of each other to put as each other's contact image.

"Well I got to go to the next venue, but I will text you soon!" He says waving and walking towards the exit.

"Ok! Bye! And thank you so much!" You yell so he can hear you as he is already half way towards the door.

You look down at your phone and stare at his number and hold on the urge to scream.

This has been the luckiest day of your life.

Suprise chapter! Yay! I thought I would write this one down, because I have had so many dreams of this happening to to me!! Also wanted to say I have changed my mind about doing a part 2 for "Tattoo Suprise" I can't really think of anything lol. I love you all so much! Don't forget to vote! xo
Twitter: BlissfulBiebz

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