17 • Study Date - Part 2

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Study Date - Part 2

"We should do this more often, but first if like to take you out. You seem like a Pizza Hut kinda girl, am I right?" He chuckles.

"It's like you've known me my whole life" you laugh rolling your eyes.

"Pizza Hut it is" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door and into his car.


The car trip was very quick as it turns out the pizza place was only down the road!

You guys could have walked!

You push open the doors to your favourite place and let the luscious smell of warm fresh pizzas make it's way to your nose.

You literally feel you mouth watering!

Justin let's out a small chuckle.

"What?" You giggle as you wait in line to order.

"Well aren't you a hungry little person" he laughs

"What are you taking about?"

"Aw come on I bet you could hear your stomach grumble from china it's that loud!" He laughs even harder.

"Bit dramatic there Bieber don't you think?" You mumble whilst trying to hide your probably bright red cheeks.

Was it really that loud?

How embarrassing...

Here you are trying to make a good impression and your stomach seems to be trying to communicate with the other side of the world!

"Maybe, but only by a little" he winks continuing to make you feel even more embarrassed.

You order your pizzas and head out the door carrying the two large boxes that contain what you imagine heaven would taste like.

Jumping back into his car, you take the pizzas back to his house to eat.

You practically jump on his couch and year open the pizza boxes making Justin laugh at you whilst he grab his own slice.

"This is so good. Thanks so much for shouting" you smile reaching for your 4th slice.

"No problem, but don't think this is free, I ain't no charity..." Justin replies raising an eyebrow.


"What are you taking about?" You ask.

"I expect a little more of what we did before we got pizza thankyou" he winks before adding a dashing smile.

How can you even say no to that cheaply smile that seems to always be playing on his lips?

"Maybe... But only if you give me the last piece of pizza" you negotiate.

"You drive a hard bargain miss (Y/N), But yes deal"

"So I have been told" you wink.

Two can play at his cheeky game ;)

"Don't do that" he demands

"Do what?" You smile and batter your eyelids.



"Because it turns me on and so help me I won't even let you finish the last slice before I kiss you" he says lustfully.

How can one person be so sexy?

At this point in time you don't even care about the last slice.

You just want him. Now.

Surprising even yourself, you grab Justin's shirt and pull him into you and crash his lips on yours.

Before you know it round 2 of the make-out sesh you had before has continued.

You plant playful kisses up and down his neck and entangle your fingers in his perfect hair.

Justin cups your cheeks and kisses you just as passionately and forcefully as you kiss him making the entire experience just amazing.

No one has ever made you feel so good and powerful before.

You could get used to it.

Just as things start to intensify even more, Justin grabs your shoulders and pushes you back.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" You frown confused.

"The opposite really... I just... I really like you and I want to make you mine before anyone else does. I like what we have and how you make me feel... You know?" He tries to explain looking deeply into your eyes.

"The feelings mutual" you smile.

"So you wouldn't mind if I asked you to be my girlfriend?" He asks hopefully.

God he is so cute.

"Of course not. I would love to" you giggle.

"Great. Can we get back to what we were doing?" He pleads.

"And what exactly was that?" You tease.

"Well I believe your lips were here" he says as he points to his neck

"And your hands were here" he says as he runs his hands along his chest.

"Oh yeah, that's right" you blush and wink

"Your lips, here, on mine, now, please?" He smiles his signature charming smile.

God can he stop being so sexy? This lips could make you do anything.

Yay! Part 2! Hope you guys like it :) sorry it has been a bit late! I'm flying to Melbourne tomorrow night (I live in Brisbane Australia btw) and the day after it's my birthday! Yay! Haha I'm turning 16 :)

Thank you guys so much for the 14k reads OMG! And I love all your comments! They are so important to me.

20 votes for the next chapter!

Love you all so much! xo

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