12 • The Date

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The Date

"So... What do you think?" The good looking brown haired boy asks you as he leans on the locker beside yours as you put your textbooks away.

"About..." You raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Going on a date with me tonight?" He winks.

"I don't even know who you are" you laugh.

Seriously though. Is he new at your school? You would have noticed him before...

"That's the beauty of it. I want to get to know you" he smiles showing all his teeth.


Well, he's confident, you'll give him that. (A/N: Oh no no, oh no no, he's confident... I'm so sorry I couldn't help myself lol)

What is there to lose?

"You know what? Sure" you smile, closing your locker.

"Great! Here is my number, text me your address and I'll pick you up at 7 tonight if that's okay?" He asks as he grabs your phone out of your hand and keys in his number into your contacts.

"Yeah that's cool. What's your name again?" You laugh realising you don't recall him ever mentioning his name!

"Justin Bieber, and yours shawty?" Justin asks with a cocky smile playing on his lips.

"(Y/N)" you smile taking your phone as he hands it back to you.

"See you at 7 (Y/N)" he grins and turns to walk down the hallway.

Wow. You are going on a date with a complete random.

*After school*

It takes you what seems like forever to find your house keys in your unorganised school bag, but once you find them, you unlock the door and walk in.

The house is very quiet, letting you know your parents aren't home.

You head to the kitchen for a snack and find a note from your mum on the kitchen table.

"Your farther and I will not be home tonight as we have a conference to go to hours away and they are providing accommodation for the night. Don't do anything stupid. Mom xx"

As if you would do anything stupid... PFFFFT.

You're an angel...



You grab a snack and sit down to watch some tv.

You get so into "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" that you you realise you have only an hour until Justin comes to pick you up for your date!

You run to the bathroom and have a quick shower, apply your makeup and make your way to your room wearing only a towel.

What to wear, what to wear.

Kinda hard to choose when he never told you where you're going!! Ugh.

You find a nice fancy top and your nicest jeans and decide to go with that.

Not to fancy, not too casual.

After finding some nice boots, the doorbell rings.

As you open the door, Justin greets you with some beautiful flowers!

"For you" he beams feeling very proud of himself.

"These are lovely, you can come in, I'll just be a minute because I want to put these in water" you tell him as you make your way to the kitchen sink.

After you find a nice vase and tend to the flowers, you and Justin head out the door.

*At the restaurant*

You unbuckle your seatbelt in Justin's car and hop out to see you're favourite restaurant! Fasta Pasta! (I'm Australian and I dont really know any American pasta places so I'm just using one from Australia lol)

You walk into the lovely dining hall and take your seat.

It's awkward for a minute, but then Justin breaks the tension.

"This is my favourite restaurant. Do you mind this place? We can leave?" He asks nervously.

"No no, it's my favourite too surprisingly" you laugh.

Things are getting easy now.

"NO WAY!? Really?" He chuckles.

"Seriously" you confirm.

"I really like you (Y/N), you're stunning, smart, funny. I know I don't know you well and you don't know me well, but I just want you to know you can trust me. I'm not like other guys who will break you heart. I am just not like that. I really want this to work" he smiles placing his hand on yours from across the table.

That was random...

This guy is so sweet. No other guy would ever say this. Do you want to try this?

"I...I...I want this to work too" you say returning a smile.

"Good. Now that's settled, I want my food!" He says banging his knife and fork on the table making a loud noise to get the waiters attention and causing you to break out in laughter.

As if the laughter is contagious, he chuckles along with you.

You spend the rest of the night eating and taking about yourselves and what you like.

Everything he said either made you laugh or smile.

No one has ever made you as happy as he is making you now.

Cute! Aww! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes! My reads are going up by the hundreds each day! I am so not used to this! Haha. Thank you to all the lovely voters and commenters! I JUST LOVE YOU ALL! Mwwaaa :*

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