14 • Beach Babe - Part 2

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Beach Babe - Part 2

Unknown: I miss your beautiful face already. See you tomorrow xx


You know exactly who it is, leaving you smiling like a complete idiot in the passengers seat.


Your friend drops you off at your house and you find the keys in your bag and open the front door.

"Hey sweetie! How was your day?" Your mum asks you.

"It was cool. The water was lovely" you smile.

You head to your room and shut the door.

It's already late, because the drive to the beach takes a while, so you decide to turn off your light, wrap yourself in your covers and go to sleep.

After all, you don't want to look tired and horrific for your date with Justin tomorrow!

*Next day*

Your phone awakens you with the constant "dinging" letting you know that you have received a text message.

Unknown: where do you live? Need to know so I can pick you up for our movie.

Oops, you still haven't put his name as "Justin" in your contacts yet.

You do that now.

You decide to text him back.

You: my address is 20 Evodia St :) (A/N random street lol)

Justin: ok. Pick you up in an hour xx


You're still in your pjs and haven't showered! Let alone decided what you're going to wear!!

You litterally run to the bathroom and have a shower washing and blow drying your hair.

You apply a nice amount of cute makeup and put your hair up in a high pony.

Tuning back to your room in only a towel you pick out your clothes.

You decide on a floral crop top and some denim high waited shorts and then you slip on your Vans.

You hear the doorbell ring so you quickly grab your handbag and walk to the door.

You open the door revealing Justin in the hottest outfit. (A/N imma leave what he wears up to you ;))

He takes your hand and leads you out your door and into his car.

The car ride was normal; just you as him talking about how much fun the both of you had the previous day at the beach.

You pull up at the cinemas and hop out of the car.

"What movie are we seeing?" You curiously ask.

"Well I was thinking we might like to see 'Frozen', it looks adorable" he blushes.

Aww that is so cute!

"Yeah! I haven't seen that one yet and it looks cute" you smile.

You walk hand in hand into the cinemas and you buy the tickets.

You then both wall to your seats.

*During the Movie*

'I don't have a skull. Or bones'

This line leaves you and Justin in stitches.

After you laughing fit, you lay your head on his shoulder and continue to watch the movie.

He then brings his arm around you and lays it on your shoulder.

This date couldn't be more perfect!

After a whole the end credits begin to roll an everyone leaves, leaving just you and Justin in the cinema.

"Thank you for taking me here, I loved the movie" you smile looking into his eyes.

His head slowly creeps closer and closer to yours and before you know it his lips lock on yours.

It takes you a whole to react, but you then start kissing him back.

You both just start making out in the cinema, tongue and all.

You are then rudely interrupted by someone who is probably an employee.

"You guys need to leave now, the movie finished 10 minutes ago and we need to clean up, sorry"

The fact that you both got caught makes you blush.

You both get up and leave and walk back to the car and he starts driving you home.

"I'm really glad we did this" Justin smiled.

"Me too" you shyly agree.

"We should do this sort of thing more often, I like how I feel with you" he admits making you smile.

"I feel the same" you blush once again.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend? I think I really care about you and I clearly want us to be more than friends" he asks.

You figured "friends" was out of the question when he kissed you back in the cinema.

You liked it though. Making your answer much easier.

"Yes. I would love to" you giggle.

He then places his free hand on yours and as he drives you home.

You close your eyes and remember this perfect moment.

I hope you likes the sequel! I appreciate everyone who reads votes and comments!! Love you all!
15 votes for the next imagine xx
Twitter: @BlissfulBiebz
Also, feel free to follow me on here, I will follow you back. I really need to follow more people so I can discover more books to read lol

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