11 • Ex Friends

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Ex Friends

They don't understand.

How could they do this? They're supposed to be your friends.

Last time you checked, friends were supposed to be supportive.

But ever since you found someone that makes you truly happy and complete, they want nothing to do with him, or you for that matter.

Ever since Justin came into your life, you have been happier more often. You never used to really smile, but now, you're glowing.

He makes you feel perfect.

One problem...

Your "friends" hate him.

You don't understand why they have this hate for Justin, he never did anything to upset them and you thought they would be happy for you that you found someone special.

Obviously not.

They give your boy death stares and death threats. They spread hurtful rumours.

Why? You don't understand.

They don't even talk to you anymore. They completely blocked you out of their life.

Justin must have realised you were upset because he embraced you in a warm cuddle as you picked at your food in the cafeteria.

You hug him back, struggling to hold your tears in.

"Babe, you deserve better friends, I love you. That's all that matters" he whispers in your ears somehow knowing what you were upset about.

"I know I know, I just... I don't understand..." You choke out.

"I understand. Just know you have me. Forever. I'll never leave you" he says then nibbles on your ear.

This makes you smile.

"I love you" you tell him.

It's the truth. You really do love him. He seems to be the only one who stays.

"And I love you"

You both pick up your trays and head to the trash to throw away your leftovers.

You walk past your "ex" friends table and receive glares from all the girls.

You look down letting your hair fall in front of your eyes so you don't have to look at them.

"*cough* hoe" you hear one of the girls pathetically try to hide their insult.

As you continue walking, you feel Justin grab your wrist as he walks back towards the table of bullies.

"What the fuck is your problem. You guys used to be best friends. Is it me!? What have I ever done to you!? If your gonna hate on (Y/N), prepare to get your heads knocked in by me and my friends" Justin defends me making the entire lunch hall fall quiet.

You attempt to pull Justin away, but his body acts as a brick wall and doesn't budge.

"Justin, jut leave it. Like you said, it's not worth it." You plead in a soft whisper.

He nods his head and you both walk away together.

As you are waking down the long school hallway, you stand on your tippy toes to plant a kiss on Justin's nose causing him to smile.

"You don't need them. I can do girly sleepovers and shopping trips if that's really what you want" he winks making you laugh.

"I might just take you up on that one day" you giggle.

"Let's ditch and go to mine and eat while watching Pretty Little Liars, that's what you girls do yeah? He questions laughing.

"Haha ok let's do it" you smile as you both walk hand in hand to his car.

I that moment you realised he was right. He was all you needed. And he was yours, forever.

I didn't really know what to categorise this imagine as so I don't my best. I just realised I have been writing a lot of depressing imagines lately... I'm so sorry. I promise I will stop from here on out. I guess I have just been going through a lot lately. But you guys make me feel better! Love you! xx

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