23 • Bad Boy Bieber

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Bad Boy Bieber

Another school day.


You absolutely hate school. Who wouldn't though right?

As you walk down the hall to your homeroom in the morning you spot justin.

Rolling your eyes as you walk past him he chuckles.

He is the dick of the school.

To put it simply.

He is an annoying little shit that has a big mouth and doesn't understand boundies. Not to mention he is a complete distraction to you schoolwork because you can't help but stare at his attractiveness longingly in ever class....

Before you know it your face collides with an open locker and knocks you out of your daydream about extremely bad yet extremely attractive Bieber.

Sighing, you sit down at an open desk as a teacher reads out the morning notices.

You feel someone kicking the back if your set as you don't need to turn around to see who it is. Rolling your eyes and shaking your head, you attempt to ignore justin as he distracts you once again.

The bell rings for first period so you slump up out of your chair and make a quick dash to your English class.

You sit in your usual seat in the middle of the room and open your books.

Everything was going fine until Justin took it upon himself to sit right next to you instead of his usually seer up the back with his douche bag "friends"

You let out a groan as you make it obvious he isn't welcome next to you.

He returns your groan with a chuckle as pulls out his books and steals one of your pens from your pencil case.

Why is he in such a annoying mood today.


"I'm not, I can do what I like thanks and I don't need a bitch like you telling me how I'm feeling" Justin snaps.

Apparently you said that out loud. Oops.

"Sorry" you whisper as you cover your face with your hair and look down at your notes.

"Whatever" he replies carelessly.

You both sit in silence for the rest of the lesson.

*** After School ***

You head home after a pretty normal day and pull out your English book to study for a test you have tomorrow.

Flicking to the page of notes you took today you find a number written in the corner.

A phone number maybe?

You decide to key it into your phone and text this "anonymous" number.

You: umm... Who is this?

Anonymous: your worst nightmare

Oh god. What the hell?

You: sorry what?

Anonymous: just kidding it's justin, chill down

Justin? Justin Bieber? As if. Probably another justin in the school or something or someone is just messing with you.

You: Justin? Justin who?

Anonymous: Bieber. God I thought you were smart. Obvs not then. Lol

You: am to smart! And why would you be texting me? Was 99% sure we don't talk.

I add his name and number to my contacts.

Justin: yeah well we are now. Like I said, I really did think you were smart. Each text your getting dumber :")


You: thanks justin. Really nice.

Justin: that's ok. That's why I'm here. To provide you with the truth even when you're too stubborn to take it.

You: is there any reason why you're texting me? What's the point?

Justin: idek. Bored I guess. You seem interesting.

You: ok.......?

Justin: do u wanna like study for the English exam that we have tomorrow? At mine?

This is weird. Got to be some sort of prank. As if Justin would want to hang out with you when he was practically ripping your thought out at school today.

Aw what the heck.

You: yeah whatever ok

Justin: be at my house in 10. Pretty sure you know where I live, you've probably been to a party at mine.

Truth is, yeah you have. Parties did get pretty crazy at his house...

You: ok. Be there soon.


There is definitely going to be a part 2. I'm on holidays now so if you guys vote quick enough, I can update straight away! If I can get 15 votes in the next 3 days, I will update straight away.

Also, I'm thinking of writing a Michael Clifford fanfic. I'll post the details in the next chapter. But would you guys read it? PLEASE COMMENT IF YOU WOULD xx

15 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter :)

I will be editing all my chapters today and fixing up any mistakes.

I changed my twitter to @CliffordBiebs and my instagram is @allyyjayne

Love you guys so much xx

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