4.9K 71 8

Basically, this is a chapter dedicated to my beautiful readers <3

Honestly, when I first posted this story, my goal was it to reach 1k reads.

I'm now at 72k reads and still rising! I'm absolutely speechless.

You guys!? You guys have made me so happy. I'm so amazed that my stories have reached so many people! I know it sounds stupid, but guys, it literally brings tears to my eyes.

You guys are truly amazing. I want you all to know that.

I've been through a lot. And I'm not always the happiest person, but one thing that brightens my day is reading your wonderful and supportive comments <3 it truly warms my heart that so many people like my writing and care about me :)

I consider all my readers as my friends, because that's what you guys truly are! Just by reading, voting and commenting, you're supporting me! And friends support one another.

So basically, thank you guys so much for being on this amazing journey with me. I feel I've gotten better and better as a writer due to all of your encouragement and support.

You guys mean the world to me. Always know that I love each and every one of you and I appreciate you so so so much and I hope you guys get everything you want out of life.

Love you and thank you so much!

Love Ally xx

Justin Bieber ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now