9 • More Than Friends?

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More Than Friends?

(Imagine you and Justin have been best friends since you can remember)

"Come in!" You smile at Justin at the door gesturing him to come inside your house.

"Where do you want me to put my stuff?" He asks politely.

"Just chuck it on the couch if you want" you smile.

Justin is sleeping over your house for the night because his parents are away and don't want him to be home alone.

So where better to stay than his best friends house!

You and Justin have been friends forever and you guys tell each other everything.

"I brought movies" he smirks taking out a stack of films and tossing them on the tv cabinet.

"And popcorn" but before he is able to toss it anywhere, you snatch it out of his hand and dash to the microwave.

Justin stares at you with a shocked expression on his face.

"What? I'm hungry. Lol don't judge me" you wink.

"No judging here. To be completely honest I was kinda thinking the same thing" he laughs and then embraces you in a friendly hug.

You hug him back and then go and get the popcorn out of the microwave and put it in a giant bowl.

"What do ya wanna watch?" Justin asks slumping onto the couch.


"The Ring, Insidious 1 and 2, The Hunger Games or Wolf On Wall Street" he lists.

"Insidious marathon!" You giggle.

Scary movies are your thing. You don't even get scared.

"Mkay" he says as he gets up to put the disc in the DVD play.

He cuddles up next to you and you start watching the movie.

OK. So you aren't as brave as you thought you were. THIS SHIT IS SCARY AS FUCK.

You do the typical white girl thing and hide your face in the nearby pillow waiting for the scary parts to finish.

As the end credits start to roll, silence falls over the two of you and you swear you can hear a pin drop.

"Soooo....." You drag out trying to break the awkward silence.

Justin turns to you with a distressed face and looks really worried.

"What's wrong?" You ask curiously.

"I don't kn- well I do, but- ugh. I just can't" he says getting frustrated.


You are so confused. Where is this all coming from? Does he not want to stay here? What?

"I just want to tell you something but I know you will hate me" he mumbles looking down at his feet.

"Oh god, what did you do?"

"More like what I feel..." He barely whispers making me not understand fully what he said.

"Wh-" you being before he cuts you off.

"You are so beautiful" he murmurs staring into my eyes and planting a quick soft kiss on her lips causing your cheeks to burn and him to look down at his feet

"I'm not really..." You reply hesitantly.

"I like you (Y/N), like I really like you. I've wanted you to be mine for so long but I've held back thinking you won't want me like that. I don't know why, but tonight just felt like the night I should stop lying to you" he says in one big breathe.

What? He likes you more than a friend...

This feeling is strange, because you have both been friends forever.

Could you really like Justin like that?

"I'm willing to give us a try" you say even surprising yourself with the words that came out of your mouth.

"Really?" His eyes light up.

"Yeah. I guess we already do a lot of couple things and we don't even realise. Maybe it's meant to be" you laugh.

These fun sleepovers, I guess any other person would call them "dates".

You have just never thought of it that way.

You smile at the idea of being with Justin. He truly makes you happy and that's more than you could ever want in someone.

Justin has been there all along.

You slide of to the side of the couch he is sitting on and embrace him in a cute cuddle making both of you smile.

You could get used to this.

Cute! Gah oh how I wish all these imagines happed to me oh well lol. :(
I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE OVER 3.2k READS AND OVER 250 VOTES!! CRAZY! Thank you so much guys!

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