2 • Tattoo Surprise

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Tattoo Surprise

(Imagine your a huge Bieber fan, actually let's face it, if you're reading these imagines I assume you actually already are lol no pretending here)

You are so excited! You're finally 18 so now you can legally get your first tattoo! You have already designed it and everything!

You plan to get a simple tattoo of your sister's name across your wrist. Something short and simple and definitely something you would never regret.

You head over to your local tattoo parlour and wait at the service desk.

"Can I help you?" A buff man with tattoos accross every inch of his body asks you.

He is probably 7 feet tall (practically at least double the size of you) and is wearing the typical tattoo artist attire, black leather jacket and ripped jeans.

Very intimidating.

"Y-eah I'm he-re for my fir-st tattoo" you stutter nervously.

Without a word the huge man leads you to his tattooing chair and asks you for your design. He then sterilised his tools and then cleans your wrist.

You're hoping this tattoo actually turns out decent and you haven't chosen a dodgy parlour. Your mother would never let you forget it. It took you ages just to get her to even consider allowing you to get a tattoo, imagine the look on her face if she found out they permanently screwed it up! She would never trust you again.

Before you have time to overthink things further, you hear the buzzing shrill of the tool start and you feel it about to touch your skin.

You squeeze your eyes shut preparing for the pain that is about to come...

Until all of a sudden the parlour door swings open and another customer struts in making your tattoo artist stop what he is doing to go and assist him.

You are so annoyed because you were totally ready for this!

You then turn you head to see the rude customer. You look him up and down and then turn away thinking nothing of it.

That is until it clicks in your brain who that customer is and you let out a loud gasp.


Your idol.

You have been in love with this boy since he was a YouTube star! You has his face plastered across every inch of your bedroom walls.

You tell yourself to chill out and to calm down. You don't want him leaving totally freaked out by you. You want to make a good impression.

Justin sits in the chair next to you and you practically drool over him.

He looks at you and flashed a smile "hey I'm Justin"

"I know!!!" You reply excitedly.

Ok seriously? Not cool. Just relax.

"First time?" He asks you.

"Yeah, pretty nervous actually" you giggle trying so desperately to hide your absolute excitement.

"Aww nothing to be nervous about gorgeous!" He winks.


"Aww haha thankyou" you smile feeling your cheeks burn.

"How about after this we both grab some food? Food always helps me get though the pain of a tattoo" he asks hopefully.

You stare at him.

Like literally you stare at him for what feels like hours.

You are holding in every fan girl thought that is making you want to scream because he just asked you out.

You then snap out of it and reply "yeah sure, sounds great" more casually than you thought you were even capable at this time.

Who would have thought your first tattoo would change your life!

Did you guys like this one? Should I do a part 2? Comment whether I should!! Love you! Please vote! xx I will update ASAP

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