16 • Study Date - Part 1

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Study Date - Part 1

(You find out you have been partnered with Justin, a boy in your class, for a science project. You both arrange to meet up at his house to work on it)

Notebook in hand, you knock on Justin's door and within seconds it opens and he greets you with a charming smile.

You didn't even know this boy existed until you were patterned with him yesterday for this assignment.

Which is totally fine with you considering he is absolutely gorgeous.

Which by the way makes you very confused as to why you have never seen him around... You would have noticed a face like his... Maybe he is new?

He leads you into his house and into the lounge room.

The house is quite large and the grand staircase indicates he is very wealthy.


You feel like a fish out of water!

"Do you want a drink of any sort?" Justin asks you politely

"Uuhhmmm yeah sure. Just a water would be ok" you smile

You take a seat on the leather couch and toss your notebook and pen on the coffee table in front of you.

Justin soon comes in with a glass of water and sits it on the coaster in front of you.

"I hope you know something about this project because I certainly don't" Justin chuckles flicking through his own messy notebook full of doodles instead of actual notes.

"Sorry to say I don't! I'm not too good at science and I was kinda counting on you... Oops haha" you laugh blushing a bit.

Science isn't exactly your... Strong point... But then again neither is school in general really...

"That's what Google is for right?" He winks and walks into another room probably to grab his computer.

In a matter of seconds he is back in the room and searching the assignment questions on google.

This proves to be a very simple method as you both complete the task in only 15 minutes!

And with that you close up your books and stand up.

"Well, now we are done, I guess I better go" you nervously laugh as you gather your things.

"No no. Don't go. Stay" Justin smiles grabbing your hand and making you sit down.

And in less than a fraction of a second he pulls your body to his and crushes his lips on yours.


At first you don't kiss back as his lustful actions have taken you completely by surprise.

Then, however, feel how good his lips are on yours and immediately kiss back.

The feeling is unreal!

Your cheeks burn and you feel like your whole body has been ignited by little tiny fire works.

He grabs your waist and you begin to tangle you fingers in his perfect caramel coloured hair.

The kiss becomes deeper and more passionate and before you know it you are both laying down on the couch making out!

The sensation of his perfect lips on yours leaves you moaning and wishing this could never end.

His kisses then travel down to your neck and then back up to your lips and he does this a few times quickly learning that it is a major turn on for you.

The kiss slows down to a stop leaving you both laying there on the couch gasping for air.


He sits up and so do you.

"Well that was fun" he laughs.

Still out of breath you are unable to even respond.

Did that even just happen?

"If I'd have known science was this fun, I would have done it last year" he winks making you giggle.

"What even just happened?" You ask still confused.

"I'd say we each got to know our science partner very well" Justin smirks.

"Very well indeed" you smile agreeing.

"We should do this more often, but first I'd like to take you out. You seem like a Pizza Hut kinda girl, am I right?" He chuckles.

"It's like you've known me my whole life" you laugh rolling your eyes.

"Pizza Hut it is" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you out the door and into his car.

You do up your seatbelt and lay your head back on the car seat wondering what just happened and if it would ever happen again...

Part 2?? ;)) 20 votes and 6 comments for part 2! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave a comment! I read and reply to everyone's comments and they mean so much to me! Hope you likes this chapter! From now on I will be updating every week! Love you all!
Follow me twitter if you like! It's @ BlissfulBiebz

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