21 • We Meet Again?

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We meet again?

(Justin isn't famous in this imagine)


The sound of a massive truck wakes you from your beauty sleep.

What the fuck is going on?

You scramble out of bed and dash to your window to see what the cause to this early morning ruckus is.

A damn moving van.

Apparently you're getting new neighbours.

You roll your eyes and slump yourself back into bed and attempt to get back to sleep.

***1 HOUR LATER***

You haven't even blinked since you went back to bed attempting to sleep again.

You're still awake.

You haven't even moved.

All because of your loud new next door neighbours and their loud truck.

This is getting rediculous.

Getting out of bed in a huff you storm downstairs.

"Mum! Can you go over there and tell the assholes to shut up?"

"Oh, I actually thought that maybe you'd like to head over there and give them these flowers as a welcoming to the street" she smiles pleasantly clearly unaware of the deathly vibes radiating off you.

"Well you thought wrong" you snap.

"Young lady that is no way to talk to your mother. Now you march upstairs, put on some proper clothes, and head over there and welcome them" she says sternly.

You roll your eyes and walk upstairs.

You furrow through your draws and find a decent shirt and shorts and head back downstairs to collect the stupid fucking flowers.

Grabbing them, you swing open the front door and slam it violently shut and then you make your way next door.

You bet they are a bunch if prics. Like seriously? You're going to have a moving van rock up at 6:00am? NO.

Dodging random couches and bits of furniture, you make your way to the front door and ring the bell.

A boy about your age answers the door with a smile.

"Hi, who are you?" He grins showing his teeth.

Holy Jesus this boy is good looking.

And somewhat familiar....

"Uh... um... oh... yes... hi my name is (Y/N) and I'm from next door. These are for your family. Welcoming to the neighbourhood?" You stutter handing him the bouquet.

"Oh wow thanks. You houldnt have.... Might I say you look really familiar...?" He questions

"I was thinking the same thing to be completely honest"

"OH MY GOD I KNOW!" He gasps


"We were neighbours when we were like 12. It's Justin? Justin Bieber?"


You and him used to be best friends 6 years ago when you were neighbours at your old house.

You guys were really close.

GOD he has changed. He looks so... Grown up!

And definitely more attractive... ;)

"Justin! OMG! What a coincidence! Neighbours again?"

"I know! We used to be so close..." He trails off.

"And then I moved. I moved here. And here you are!"

"He I am!" He agrees

"We used to do everything together! Rmber that one time I beat you at basketball and you cried!?" You laugh remnebering the memory.

"I still to this day demand a rematch" he says crossing his arms.

"I'm sure we will find time" you laugh.

"I really hope we do" he winks.


Hi guys! Sorry I haven't update in so long!
1) I went to the 5SOS concert OMG!!!
2) I got a job! Yay!
3) assignments are killing me

WANT PART 2? Comment weather I should or not!!

7 comments and 20 votes for the next update!

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