10 • Jealousy

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(Imagine you and Justin had a fight and you both agreed to take a break on your relationship until things got better so the two of you can get back together when things cool down)

You sit in your room with the lights faded down, the door locked as the blinds drawn.

You're still so upset over the fight you and Justin had 2 days ago and how you practically broke up.

You both called it a "break" but you both know that's just a nicer way of saying that you guys are breaking up.

The fight want even mean to happen though.

It was always because of her...

Justin's ex-girlfriend has become overly attached to him lately, and excuse you for being upset with that!

You have every right to be!

How would he feel if your ex-boyfriend was calling, texting and knocking on your door every dam day huh?

He wouldn't fucking like it.

This girl is an annoying little brat who has too much money and cakes her makeup on to the point where it looks like her face and neck are completely different colours.


You've confronted her and told her to leave justin alone, but she ends up making a big scene resulting in her nearly ripping your hair out and claiming that Justin "still loves her"

She wishes.

You roll over so you are looking up to the dark ceiling as hear your stomach rumble.

You want to stay in your room ad wallow in your self pity however, you are majorly hungry from doing just that for the past 2 days.

You quietly tip-toe out of your your room and make your way down the hallway until you arrive in the kitchen.

You grab the first things you can find.

A packet of Oreos, a bottle of water, an apple and a muesli bar.

That should be enough to keep you going for the rest I the day you think.

As you make your way out of the kitchen your attention is brought to a note taped to the fridge that says:

I have run out of the basics. Please dash to the mall and get me milk, a fresh loaf of bread and some cereal. I'm at work till tonight. Love you.
Mom xx

UGHHHHHHHHHHHH you groan and slump of to your room to get changed for the mall.

It was hard enough leaving your room, now you have to go to the mall?


You grab your purse and storm out the door.

*At the mall*

As you're walking the length of the mall to get to the grocery store, a top in Forever 21 catches your eye.

You decide to go into the shops and check it out.

As you're going through the rack of tops and the front of the store, you notice a finalist face in the back near the change rooms.

Justin? What the hell is he doi-

Answering your internal question, out walks Justin's slut of an ex girlfriend.

Your mouth drops.

WHAT THE FUCK? Has he already moved on?

They are both now leaving the store, and you don't want to look like some stalker, so you avoid them so they can't see you.

As they both leave the store together, you catch them holding hands.

Still hidden between a dress rack, tears start to swell up in your eyes.

You bight your lip and try not to cry as you leave the store and head straight to the car.

The groceries can wait.

As you hop in your car, you sit there blankly looking out your windscreen.

You think of what you saw and you loose it. You bang your head on the stealing wheal and start balling your yes out.

Did what you have with Justin mean anything to him?

Does he even want you anymore?

Does he even remember you?

All these questions are too much.

You lift your head from the wheal, wipe your mascara streamed face and drive home.

You deserve better. You deserve better. You deserved better, you chant in your head as you drive.

But deep inside you know no one can ever replace him.

And he broke your heart.

My first really sad imagine :((( I actually wanted to cry while writing this :'(
I'm sure he isn't like this in real life though! I thought I would update 2 chapters today because 2 days ago I said I would update, but I got distracted and never did! Don't hate me :'( Sorry :( LOVE YOU ALL!

Twitter: BlissfulBiebz

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