24 • Bad Boy Bieber - Part 2

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Bad Boy Bieber - Part 2

You roll up into Justin's driveway in your car and then make your way to his door.

You knock a few times, step back and wait for someone to open the door.

3 minutes has passed and you are still standing there as you hear yelling coming from inside.

You decide to knock again, you knock once and the door flies open.

"Go away" Justin barely whispers.

He is red faced and looks so close to breaking.

"But I thought-" you begin.

"I SAID GO AWAY" he screams as he slams the door hard in your face.

Resisting the urge to spill the tears that are in your eyes, you run back to you car and sit in the drivers seat.

You lay your head on the steering wheel and wonder what came over Justin.

Why would he invite you to his house if he didn't want you there?

You accidentally let a tear drip down your face.

You hear the passenger seat door open and close and you turn to see justin sitting next to you.

You open your mouth to speak but justin interrupts you.

"Can we go somewhere? Please. Just drive somewhere. Somewhere without people" he pleads.

It looks like he is about to cry. Or maybe even has been crying.

Not wanting him to get more upset, you start the car and head out the driveway.

15 minutes later you pull up to a deserted park.

You stop the car and Justin hops out of the car faster than ever and walks away.

You attempt to catch up to him but he is walking too far.

He eventually say himself under a large tree.

You sit next to him. Not too close, but close enough.

You both sit in silence under the tree for 10 minutes until justin breaks the silence.

"Do you ever feel like you hate your family so much you want to leave, but every time you try to leave something brings you back? Like guilt or something?"

"I-" you begin

"Don't worry. I'm probably talking shit. Don't expect you to understand" he huffs.

"Actually I do understand. I have abusive parents so don't go assuming something like that when you don't know me or anything about me" you snap.

Who the hell does he think he is!?

"I'm sorry" he apologises.

"Are you? Are you Justin? I'm really tired of this. I really don't know you. You act like a total douche at school. It's an act. I can tell. You're just trying to fit in. And I think it's really sad." You manage to say in one breath.

"You're right"

Wait what? Am I?"

"Yeah. I guess. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a dick to you. Heck, I actually like you..." He says as he look down and plays with a bit of grass.

"You like me? Like friend like?" You gasp.

"More than friend like" he states shyly.

"Oh okay... Wow. That's-"

"Stupid. I know. Sorry. Forget I said anything" he sighs.

"I was going to say cute. I like you too..." You smile and blush.

"Really? Why? Why would you even?"

"Why would I not? The way you have just opened up to me... This makes me like you even more than I did. Justin, you have feelings. I see you very clearly. You just want someone to be there for you" you say.

"Yeah. Actually. That right. And I think you might be the girl to give me just that" he smiles and grabs your hand.

You lock your fingers together and you can't help but smile.

"I think I might be too" you agree as you lay your head on his shoulder.


Yay! This is the quickest I have ever updated! But I do it just for you guys! I can't believe how quickly you got be 15 votes in the last chapter! Makes me so happy :)

15 votes and 6 comments for the next chapter!
Comment whether I should do a part 3! :) xx

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