13 • Beach Babe - Part 1

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Beach Babe

You are awakened by the light slightly cracking through your curtains.

You draw them open to reveal the nicest sunniest day without a cloud in the sky.

You quickly grab your phone and call your bestie

You: have you seen how sunny is is outside?

Her: yes! It's so hottttt

You: we should go to the beach! I've been meaning to get a nice tan haha

Her: totally! Ok, be at yours in an hour seeya babe

You: bye!

You run down the stairs to grab a quick breakfast.

Putting 2 pieces of toast in the toaster and pouring yourself a cup of tea, you try to decide what bikini you want to wear.

You have so many!

You decide on your orange Triangl bikini because it makes you look tan.

You butter your toast and remove the tea bag from your tea and quickly eat your breakfast.

You head back to your room to change into your bikini and put shorts and a shirt over the top.

Then you look around your room for a cute beach bag to pack your towel in.

You then dash to your bathroom to apply some light makeup and waterproof mascara.

Can't have it running down your face when you never know who you will meet!

Being completely ready, you go and turn on the tv as you wait for your friend to arrive.

Before you can even flick to the channel you want, your doorbell rings.

You open it and you are pulled out of your house as into your friends car.

*At the beach*

"Where do you want to lay our towels" you ask smiling at your friend.

"Uhhhhmm over there" she points in front of the lifeguard tower

"Ok ok" you laugh knowing exactly why she chose that spot.

It's got a good view of the hot lifeguards you bet.

Laying your towel down on the pure white soft sand, you put your shades on and lay on your stomach starting your tanning session.

Ten minutes into your tanning sesh, you feel a light tap on your shoulder.

Thinking it's your friend, you turn around.

Only it's not

It's a total hot guy!

Brown mousy hair that sweeps to one side, nice toned body...

Mmm you wouldn't mind looking at that for the rest of your life! Dam!

"Enjoying the view?" He chuckles still looking down at you.

You hadn't realised that your mouth is wide open!

Quickly closing it you reply with "could say the same to you, what do you want?" You ask.

Realising that probably came off a bit rude, you add a nice smile.

"I just saw you here and thought you were rather good looking so I came over to talk to you, is that a crime now days?" He winks.

You giggle like a school girl.

Wow haha you really like him.

"Do you wanna go get some ice cream?" He asks grabbing one of your hands and pulling you up from your towel.

You look down at you friend, she is fast asleep. I'm sure she won't mind. Not when you tell her you met some super hot guy with an 8 pack.

"Sure why not" you agree with a smile.

He friendly grabs you hand and interlocks it with his. Not in a coupley way, you know, it was more friendly.

You walk hand in hand to the ice cream place.

You both order your ice creams and go and sit down on an empty bench.

You tell funny stories and talk about your life and stuff like that.

Just getting to know each other.

He then interrupts you mod sentence and plants a light feathery kiss in your lips.

Your cheeks turn a dark shade of pink and you look down feeling all shy.

You did not expect that.

But you liked it ;)

"I'm sorry, I just had to do that. It seemed like we were on a friends kind of basis and I'm just letting you know that I intend to be a bit new than that" he says honestly.

"Well, hehe I kind of like you too" you blush.

"Good" he smiles.

He then leans in and kisses you a little more passionately.

And you kiss back knowing his hair with you fingers.

You are both rudely interrupted by the ringtone of your phone.

You pull away from the kiss and check the caller ID, it's your friend.

You answer and he I wanting to leave now.

You sigh and hang up.

"Wanna exchange numbers? Want to grab a coffee or a movie tomorrow?" He asks hopefully.

"A movie sounds perfect" you smile

He hands you his phone so you can put your number in it.

He kisses you sweetly on the Cheka as you get up and leave.

"Cya tomorrow" he chuckles.

"Bye" you blush.

As you are in the car you feel the vibration of your phone letting you know you have a text.

You open and find it's from an unknown number.

Unknown: I miss your beautiful face already. See you tomorrow xx


You know exactly who it is, leaving you smiling like a complete idiot in the passengers seat.

I wrote a longer imagine today! I felt so bad because I said I would update yesterday, but when I went to copy and paste it into here, IT DELEATED! I was actually so upset because it was such an awesome imagine :( oh well. I tried to male this one long too! I hope you like it!

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