25 • Bad Boy Bieber - Part 3

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Bad Boy Bieber - Part 3

You and Justin both walk hand in hand back to tour car.

You open the food and hop in, and Justin does the same

"Where do you wanna go?" You ask politely,

"Home is the last place I want to be" he sighed

"You could possibly crash at mine? For a while? You know... If you want..." You ask. Unsure of what your mother might think...

"You know what? That would be amazing" he smiles.

"It's settled then" you confirm.

You turn on the car engine and drive home.

You pull up to your driveway and ask Justin to stay in the car for a little whole as you go and convince your mum to let him stay.

You bravely walk up to your mum in the kitchen.

"Hey mum, I was wondering if my friend Justin could stay here for a whole he is arguing with his parents and he can't say with them so I was winding if you could let him crash here for a while" you say in one single breath.

"WOAH hold up. Yeah let me think about that... NO" she laughs


"I SAID NO. NO STOP" she yells as she gives you a massive glare.

You stop out back you your car and get in and turn to Justin.

"She said no. But like that's gonna stop me. You can just crash in my room and be sneaky because I have a lock on my door. To get in and out just use the window or whatever" you shrug.

"I don't want to be any trouble" Justin furrows his eyebrows.

"It's not. No big deal" you smile and lead him to your back window.

You head to your room and open the window allowing Justin to enter.

You close your door and make sure it's locked.

Justin flops onto your bed and you sit Arthur foot of it.

After a few minutes of silence you realise how curious you are as to what went down between him and his parents.

"So what happened with you and your parents?" You ask trying to sound casual.

"Stuff" he sates bluntly.

"What kind of st-"

"Stuff that doesn't invoke you" he snaps.



Another few minutes of silence occur until this time Justin decides to break the silence.

"She hates me" she states.

"Who hates you?"

"My mum"

"Why?" You ask.

"I don't know. Probably got something to do with my dad. When they got a divorce I wanted to go with my dad but he couldn't take me. Mum took that to heart I guess. But now she only keeps me around to babysit, make dinner, clean, take the kids to school blah blah blah. Everything SHE is supposed to be doing." He sighs and runs his fingers through his chestnut hair.

"And you don't like that? You hate doing her jobs?"

"Well yeah. I'm 17 for fucks sake. She's 35. She does nothing. She doesn't get that I have a life too. Heck she doesn't even get that I have feelings! No one does!" He says frustratedly.

"Of course you have feelings. Anyone that doesn't think that is an idiot. You may be the tuff guy at school, but bends the that tuff exteria is a boy with feelings. A boy that cares. A boy that does everything he can to keep his family stable and alive" you smile sympathetically as you rub his back.

"You get it"

"I do, you don't have to hide from me" you smile

"God this is difficult" he huffs.

"What is?"

"Trying not to kiss you" he sighs and looks down to the ground.

Does Justin really want to kiss you?

You never really thought you could have these sorts of feelings towards Justin but alas, you find yourself indeed having them.

"Maybe you should stop trying?" You hint shyly.

Flirting has never really come naturally to you.

Justin brushes a strand of your hair out if your face and slowly leans in.

You can feel his hot breath on the top of your lips.

The space between you and him disappears as he locks his lips with yours.

It is at this exact moment you realise how in love you are with Justin Bieber. The bad boy.


Awwwww actually loved tho little serious. BUT CAN IT PLEASE HAPPEN TO ME!? These imagines make me frustrated.
Anyways, I'm on a total roll! Haha I have been updating so frequently! WOOH!
20 votes and 6 comments for the next chapter. can you comment weather you would consider reading a Michael Clifford fanfic (kinda like this imagine) if I wrote one? LOVE YOU ALL <3

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