3 • Memory Loss - Part 1

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Memory Loss - PART 1

I got this idea from my friend's Fanfiction called "Forgotten Memory" by KidrauhlCrave so check it out!

(Imagine that you had a massive car accident and it made you loose your memory each morning. No one knows except your parents and close friends because they keep you pretty sheltered.
Not even you know about your accident, you are completely oblivious to your daily memory loss)

You wake up and you are hit by a tidal wave of confusion. Where are you?? Your room looks different than it did yesterday... You're so confused. And all of your mirrors are gone...

You hazily make your way downstairs and find that your parents aren't home so you decide to go and get breakfast at the local café down the road.

You need to get some exercise so you convince yourself to walk there.

You arrive at the café and take your usual seat in the back right corner next to a window.

Your order your food and wait for it to arrive.

After about 5 minuets, your hear footsteps coming to your table...

You look up thinking it's the waiter with your food, but find a guy wearing bright red Supra's and a Supreme hoody come to sit in the seat next to you. He looks up and his brown hair perfectly falls across his face.

"Hey there beautiful" he winks.

"Uhh hey" you smile still a bit taken back by his random interest in you.

He coughs nervously as he tries to think of something to say.

"I might not go down in history but I will go down on you"
"Wait no, I wasn't gonna say that, that was so wrong I'm so sorry. I just... ahhh... th-at just came out... ugh" he frowns obviously embarrassed.

Haha seriously?! He is trying to pick you up with a cheesy pick up line? He must be pretty desperate. He is going to have to try harder than that.

"Haha ok..." You awkwardly say.

He gives up and slowly walks back to his seat. You look over to him and he still looks upset over what just happened.

You think he is cute for having the courage to walk up and talk to you like that. More guys should be like him.

Feeling a wave of confidence, you go and take a seat next to him and say "Are you a library book because I am totally checking you out" with a smirk.

You both look at each other for a solid 30 seconds and then burst into laughter!

"Haha oh god it seems we are both as cheesy as each other!" he smiles wiping a tear of laughter from his eyes.

You and Justin talk for hours and order what seems like 200 coffees. He is charming, funny and intelligent! Not to mention absolutely flawless.

You both begin to fall for each other.

You never thought you could fall for someone as quickly as you are with Justin; this is like the movies!

You glance out the window and realise it's already dark.

"I'm so sorry, but I have to go, my parents will be getting worried! Do this again soon?" You ask hopefully.

You've got it bad for this boy, he is completely and utterly perfect.

"Ok, can we meet here tomorrow? Same time in the morning?" He asks looking you directly in the eyes giving you butterflies.

He truly is interested in you. You can tell by the way he looks at you.

He looks just as love struck as you!

"Yep! See you then" you say as you get up and start walking home.

What a lovely day. And all because of that boy. You never thought you were capable of the feelings you had for him.


(A/N Yes I do realise I repeat myself at the start here, but it's because she has lost her memory from the day before so she does the same thing, don't worry, it's only for a bit)

You wake up and you are hit by a tidal wave of confusion. Where are you?? Your room looks different than it did yesterday... You're so confused. And all of your mirrors are gone...

You hazily make your way downstairs and find that your parents aren't home so you decide to go and get breakfast at the local café down the road.

You also decide to walk to get some much needed exercise plus it would be a waste of gas driving just down the road.

You arrive at the local café and take your usual seat in the back right corner next to a window. You order your coffee and French toast and wait for you meal.

A boy walks up to your table and takes a seat.

Excuse me? What does he think he is doing? Who is he?

"Hey (Y/N) ready for a lovely repeat of yesterday?" He smiles.

"Excuse me?" You ask politely.

You have honestly never seen this guy in your life. WTF?

"It's Justin? From yesterday? We sat and talked for hours?" He says attempting to jog your memory.

Well it wasn't. You have no idea what he is talking about. Is he crazy?!

"Justin? Whoever you are I have never seen you before in my life" you answer honestly.

You then see the look of confusion and sorrow take over his eyes.

Bit of a cliffhanger there! Don't worry, I'm working on a part 2. Might not be the next chapter though, but soon xx

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Twitter: @CliffordBiebz

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