4 • Surprise Visit

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Surprise Visit

Ugh. Just one more day of school you think. Just one more day and you're out of there.

Summer break starts in 2 days!

Which means you get to see your boyfriend Justin in a week!

You hardly ever get to see him anymore. He has too many interviews, concerts, meet and greets. Not to mention he's always in the studio.

Even though that means your time together is limited, you want him to be happy. That's all that matters to you. And if he finds happiness in this lifestyle, who are you to bring him down?

But that doesn't mean you don't miss him. You think if him every second of the day.

You sigh and open the doors to the jungle they call "high school".

You're quite popular at school, but that's only because you're dating the biggest pop-star in the world. Therefore, you don't really have any true friends. Just people that use you and walk all over you. But you have learned to deal with that.

You sit down in your usual seat in English.

The teacher is rambling on about Shakespearean language or whatever, so you decide to discretely take out your phone under your desk and text Justin.

You: hey xx

Justin: hey gorgeous, what are you up to?

You: ugh I'm at school. I hate it and I miss you so much xx

Justin: miss you too sweetie, just remember I will be home in just a week xo

You: I know. Have fun babe. Love you xx

Justin: love you too princess xo

You sigh as you put away your phone. You really do miss him with all your heart. You haven't seen him in over 2 months!

You always have so much fun when he is around. He brings out the best in you.

The bell rings and you pack up your things and leave the classroom.

You sit by yourself at lunch and go to your last class.

The last class is your least favourite. Math. You sit there pretending to understand what the teacher is explaining but in reality you have no idea and no intention of learning it.

After a boring hour of sums, the bell rings releasing you from the torturous class.

You exit the doors of the school and walk to the parking lot to find your car.

Well, technically Justin's, he let you borrow it while he was on tour.

His white Ferrari definitely brought a lot of unwanted attention to you each morning as you pulled into your usual parking space.

You find your keys, and unlock the car.

As you hop in, about to start the engine, you look to the passenger seat and get the fright of your life!

"JUSTIN!?" You gasp, staring at your boyfriend to the left if you.

What is he doing here!? He is supposed to be on tour!?

"I thought I would surprise my girl!" He chuckles.

Your heart is still beating 1000 times a second as you lean over to him and give him the biggest hug.

"I thought you were on tour?" You ask.

"Well I was, but Scooter agreed to give me a bit of a break! So I came home early!" He smiles.

You couldn't think of anything better. You are so happy! You still can't believe it!

"I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you're here." You say getting all teary.

"I'm do happy to see my princess. Let's go back to my house and change because I have made dinner reservations for the two of us"

"I really love you Justin" you barely whisper.

It was obviously loud enough to hear because he whispered "I really love you too"

You are so lucky to have him in your life.

I really hope you like this one! I hoping to have part 2 of "Memory Loss" and part 2 of "Tattoo Surprise" up by the end of the week! Thank you so much for reading and voting!
Please vote for this chapter!
I love you all so much!

Twitter: @CliffordBiebz

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