5 • Memory Loss - Part 2

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Memory Loss - PART 2

(Read Part 1 to understand this chapter xx)

"Justin? Whoever you are I have never seen you before in my life" you answer honestly.

You then see the look of confusion and sorrow take over his eyes.

"Come on (Y/N), stop messing with me" he chuckles nervously.

"I'm not messing with you. I honestly have never seen you before. You must be mistaken"

Is he crazy? What an idiot! Most likely he has just mistaken you for someone else.

"This is not good. This is not good" Justin says as he threads his fingers through his hair.

"What isn't good. WHAT!?" You yell getting frustrated.

"Are your parents home?" He asks.

Why does he want to know if my parents are home or not...


"Something isn't right. Can I please have a word with them?" He asks.

Look I don-" you begin to say but he cuts you off.

"I'm not going to leave you alone until you let me speak to them" he says harshly making me believe him.

Well if this is going to get him off my back and make him look like a total loser, why not? Hahaha.

"Haha whatever. My house is just down the road. Let's go" you laugh.

"Why are you even laughing, this is serious" he says getting frustrated.

"I'm laughing because once you talk to my parents they are probably going to lock you up in a crazy house!"

He rolls his eyes and we head out the door.

*Back at your house*

"MUM!!!!!!" You scream.

"Yes honey?" Your mum asks as she descends the stairs.

"There is this crazy guy who wants to talk to you..."

"Hi, I'm Justin, can I have a word with you alone?" He asks your mother.

"Uhhh yeah sure" she hesitates.

They both walked into the kitchen and you are left siting in the lounge room by yourself. What could he be posibley asking her that he doesn't want you to hear. This has been one crazy morning. You play with your hair and read a magazine that you found on your coffee table. Finally after 15 minutes both Justin and your mum walk out of the kitchen.

You see that your mum has tears in her eyes and Justin looks upset too.

You get up and run to your mom.

"No no honey, sit down. I have something to tell you. I have wanted to tell you this for a long time but I wanted to see how well things would pan out if you... Didn't know..." She trails off.

"Didn't know what?" You ask still confused.

What is it? What has everyone been hiding from you?

"Look, sweetie, 2 years ago you had a car crash. A terrible one. You were in a coma, but when you woke up, you had lost your memory. Sort of. Every day after you woke up, you have gone about your day like you did the day before the crash, but when you sleep... Something changes and you don't remember what happened the day before. You then go through the next day like you did the last, but forget by everything by morning again. That's why you don't remember Justin. You probably did see him yesterday. You just don't remember"

You process what she is saying. Tears threatening to spill from your eyes. Is this true? Is she serious? It has to be. This is too cruel for a joke.

"2 years? This has been happening for 2 whole years?" You cry.

"I'm so sorry darling" your mother says attempting to calm you down.

You lay your head in your hands and sob.

Justin sits next to you and rubs your back.

"Can we talk alone?" He asks you.

You nod and walk into the kitchen together.

Still sobbing, he holds your hand.

After a minute of near silence apart from your cries, Justin speaks.

"Listen (Y/N), I know this seems crazy to you. I understand. But yesterday at the coffee shop, I felt sparks. Your laugh, the way you talk, how beautiful and perfect you are... I realised I wanted you. You might think now that I know about what happened to you, I would leave you, but you're wrong. I'm willing to do everything to make this work between us. Even if every day I have to make you fall in love with me all over again. I'll do it"

You both are standing so close. You feel his breath on your neck. You look into his eyes and don't need to say anything. He leans in and closed the gap between your lips and his. He tenderly kisses you.

You feel sparks. He was right. At that moment you realise that you want this boy in your life. Even if you don't remember him the next day, you will find a way to feel those sparks you share with him each and every day. You don't know how, but but you feel the urge to try.

"I love you (Y/N)" he whispers in your ears causing your eyes to widen and your lips to slightly smile.

He wipes the tears from your eyes and you look up to him.

"I think I love you too Justin"

Awwwwwwww I actually find this chapter so sad :( just a reminder that I got this idea from KidrauhlCrave
Her fan fiction is called "Forgotten Memory" so if you like this, go and read hers! She is writing practically an entire book about it!
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I will hopefully put up part 2 of "Tattoo Surprise" sometime on the weekend!
Stay beautiful xo

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