18 • Let Me Take A Selfie

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Let me take a selfie


"Yeah?" You reply to his sweet voice.

"Come here!"

"Umm okay..." You get up from the couch and make your way to where you think his voice is coming from.

"BOO" Justin yells scaring the absolute living daylights out of you and causing you to drop to the ground in fright.

"JUSTIN OMG!" You scream as he starts to tickle you on the kitchen floor.

He knows the exact places to tickle you which more often then not, leaves you crying with laughter!

This time being no exception!

He picks you up off the floor and gives you a cute kiss on the nose making you giggle.

"Movie?" He asks.

"Movies suck" you say as you stick out your tongue at him like a five year old.

"Well missy, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?" You ask.

He just smiles at you.

You know what he wants to do...

He is dreaming if he thinks it's going to happen.

"NO. Absolutely not. You know I don't like it" you pout.

"Come on babe you're beautiful!" He smiles beaming his teeth.

"NU-UH. Not going to happen. Never. Nope. Nup." You shake your head smiling.

"Do I have to tickle you?" He smirks raising and eyebrow.

Oh god no.



"Fine. 1 Justin, I mean it" you sigh in defeat.

Justin quickly grabs his phone from his back pocket and clicks on SHOTS.

He opens it and presses on the the photo button.

Pulling you close to his body and wrapping his arm around your shoulder he smiles and so do you.

The timer reaches 0 and the selfie is taken.

You hate taking selfies.

Any type of picture of yourself.

You see someone with a camera? YOU RUN.

"That wasn't so bad was it? You looked gorgeous as always" he smiles and kisses you on the forehead.

"I guess" you roll your eyes.

"More?" Justin pouts and does the puppy eyes thing.


"Yeah okay. Only a few more though and only because I love you" you stick your tounge out again.

"And I love you" he smiles and takes out his phone again.

This time only going into his normal camera on his phone.

You both take a bit more than a few!

You both pull all different types of silly faces and take cute coupley photos.

At these weren't going all over the internet.

Just for his eyes.

His beautiful eyes that could make you do anything.

The eyes that made you fall in love.

This chapter is to promote Shots Of Me! I'm sure most of you guys already have it, but for those of you who don't, go to the App Store and download it! It's an app purely for sharing your selfies and looking at everyone else's! Justin loves and uses it all the time!! He even follows back fans! His selfies are the bomb ;) anyways you should totally download it! If you don't Justin is judging you... Lol!

20 votes and 4 comments for the next chapter! Did you guys like this imagine? It was a bit different, so opinions? xx

Twitter: @ BlissfulBiebz

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