22 • We Meet Again? - Part 2

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We Meet Again? - Part 2 (funny/cute)

You head home after your trip to the neighbours house and go upstairs to have a shower.

You strip off and run the hot water all over your body letting everything go.

Realising you have unknowingly stood in the shower for over half an hour, you quickly turing off the running water and hope out.

You dry yourself, put on some light makeup and moisturise your skin.

You tie your damp hair into a messy bun in the top of your head and walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

Your mother is cooking something that smells amazing! You go to take a spoonful of whatever was in the pan on the stove but before you have the chance to put the unknown into your mouth, your mother smacks your wrist and empties what was on the spoon back on the stove.

"Don't eat that. That's for dinner tonight" she says stirnly as she stirs the pot's contents.

"Dinner? Why are you making so much? It's only you and me tonight" you inform her confused.

"Actually no, whilst you were in the shower Pattie came over to thank me for the flowers and I invited her and Justin to dinner" she smiles


"Justin's mum"

"Oh okay, what time are they coming over?" You ask. You still look like a bit of a mess...

"In about an hour or so actually, so can you do a bit of tidying up? Like clean the lounge room and your bedroom?" She asks as she gets out potatoes to slice.

"Yeah yeah yeah sure whatever" you roll your eyes and head up your bedroom.

You pic up your clothes off the floor and put on something a bit nicer for dinner.

You find yourself even fixing up your makeup to make it look perfect.

You wonder why you are putting in so much effort, but don't have enough time to think as you head downstairs to tidy the lounge room.

You reach for the remotes in-between the couches and put the on the coffee table.

"Good enough" you shrug to yourself and head into the kitchen to help your mum put the dinner on the table.

But before you make it there, the doorbell rings.

You quickly fix your hair and open the door to greet Justin and Pattie with a smile.

You show them to the dining room and as you do, Justin cheekily puts am arm around you as you lead them to the table.

Blushing, you pull out a chair and sit down, and everyone else does the same. Including Justin who happens to sit right next to you.

"It's really nice to have you in the neighbourhood Pattie, how have you been liking it here?" Your mother smiles as she serves everyone their meals.

"It's been great, everyone is so nice here" patties smiles back and she takes a bite of her food.

"What about you Justin?" Your mum asks.

"I love it here" he smiles and looks to you.

Blushing, you look down at your plate letting your hair fall over your face.

But all of a sudden, you feels something on your leg!

Looking down, you realise it's Justin's hand!

Looking up at him confused, a smirk is plastered across his face.

Justin's flirting game is strong.

And yours is weak.

Do you even like him like that? You haven't seen him in so long and....

Stop overthinking.

He's attractive, charming....



He is utterly perfect.

"Well I'm done with dinner" Justin smiles as he pushes his plate in front of him.

"Me too" you smile nervously.

You haven't even taken a bite.

"Dinner was lovely" Pattie smiles.

"Why don't you take Justin on a tour while me and Pattie get know each-other more?" Your mother suggests.

"Uhhh.... Umm.... Yeah ok" you nod and look at Justin.

He smirks and raises his eyebrow while giving a slight nod.

What is going on in that boys mind? You wonder as you lead him upstairs.

"So this is the bathroom"

"And this is my bedroo-"

But before you have the chance to finish you sentence, Justin slams you against the wall inside your room and kisses your passionately.

After a solid 3 minutes of a total make out session, Justin pulls away leaving you both gasping for air.

"I've been wanting to do that since you knocked on my door thismorning" Justin smirks.


OMGGGGGGG GUYS!!! PART 3!? I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS! So sorry I haven't posted in forever, I've been extremely sick and all my spare time has been devoted to going to doctors and assignments! But I hope you like this chapter! Comment weather I should do a part 3?

20 votes and at least 7 comments for the next chapter!

Love you!

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