7 • Bully to Lover

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Bully to Lover

(Imagine you are start at a new school today)

You find a parking space and fumble your hands in your bag to locate your school map.

Being new, you have no idea where anything is. It took you long enough to even find the school!

You follow your map to your locker and dump your new workbooks and textbooks in it.

As you are closing the door, you see a figure watching you down the hall.

"Is he staring at me?" You think to yourself.

You look away but still feel his stares burning into your back.

It's getting really annoying and you want to know why he is doing it, so you bravely stomp over to the boy.

"Why do u keep staring at me?" You ask with a harsh tone in your voice.

"EXCUSE ME? I DO WHAT I WANT BITCH! YOUR NEW HERE? FIGURED. NO ONE ELSE WOULD DARE TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT. GET LOST" He yells in your face causing the whole school to fall quiet and stare at you.

You are quite an emotional person and you feel the tears start to form in the corners of your eyes.

Before you embarrass yourself further, you run back to your car and get the hell out.

You take a drive to the local park and sit there for hours.

Anything is better than facing the crowd back at school.

How could he yell at you like that? All you did was ask a question. But he yelled in your face.

Is he always like this? You roll your eyes and tell yourself to not waste your time thinking of excuses for this guys behaviour.

Whatever, not your problem.

You drive home and go straight to bed, skipping dinner.

You aren't in the mood and you just want this day to end.

*Next day at school*

You put on yet another brave face and walk to your locker looking down with your hair sweeped over your face.

No one even really noticed you. I guess they forgot about the incident yesterday.

You breathe a sigh of relief and head off to your first class.

You walk through the classroom and are told that this particular class has a seating plan.


You take a look at the seating chart and make your way to your seat.

Luckily no one is sitting next to you.

But you spoke too soon.

In waltzes the same guy that yelled at you yesterday, and slumps into the seat beside you.

You stare at him and quickly look away as you realise he was staring at you too. However, he doesn't look away like you do.

"Why do you keep looking at me?" You quietly ask him praying to god he won't blow up at you like last time.

He thinks about his answer for a while, leaving you rolling your eyes and looking out the window.

He doesn't even give you an answer.


"I keep looking at you because you are beautiful" he says smirking.

"Nice try. Real answer?"

Wow. Now he is playing you? Who does he think he is is.

He looks offended.

"I'm actually serious. Learn to take a fucking compliment" he spits.

You sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm not used to compliments but you don't have to be such an ass about it" you spit right back.

"I'm not an ass" he replies.

He is clearly in denial or oblivious to the fact that he actually is an asshole.

"Yes you are. Talking to people the way you do will get you no where in life and I actually feel sorry for you that you think you have to act all tough to fit in" you say as you look him directly in the eyes.

You then walk right out of the classroom knowing that if you were to stay, he would tell at you like yesterday, and you weren't in the mood for that sort of embarrassment.

As you are walking down the hall going no where in particular, you hear footsteps running to you.

Thinking it's the teacher coming to have a go at you, you turn around ready to think of an excuse.

Only it isn't a teacher.

It's the boy.

"I'm not in the mood whatever you name is" you say and begin to walk away.

He grabs your wrist and pulls you back to him.

"Justin. My name is Justin."

"Whatever" you say and start to walk away again but grabs your wrists once again to pull you back.

"You were right. You were right" he mutters looking down.

"About?" You ask, not understanding what he is talking about.

"You were right. I act like a dick to impress my mates. I'm not really an ass, I just have a reputation to uphold." He explains still looking down at his feet.

"But I did mean it when I said you were beautiful..." He says a bit more louder, looking up and staring into your eyes.

You stand there in the middle of the hall awkwardly and you are not sure what to say.

Breaking the tension, Justin holds your chin lightly and gives you a soft tenter kiss on your lips.

He breaks away and puts his hands in your shoulders.

"I really like you..." He starts.

"(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)" you giggle and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Alright (Y/N)" he laughs.

"Let's go for a drive and get something to eat" he winks.

The two of you both walk hand in hand down the remainder of the hall an to his car.


Hoped you liked it! Nearly 2k reads OMG! I can't believe it! Thank you so much guys!

100 reads on this chapter for the next one! (I already have written it! So as soon as I hit 100 reads, I will post it!

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