15 • Stay with Me?

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Stay with Me?

You wake up from the buzzing of your phone signalling you have a text message.

It's Justin.

You have both been dating for quite some time now but lately you have been quite distant.

You and your mum have been arguing non-stop lately with her accusing you of not "being around" enough when in reality it's the other way around. You never see her anymore. With work and the constant dinner dates with random guys (your parents are divorced) she is never around anymore.

That, and you have been totally neglected by your dad because he has found a new fiancée.

He used to call you every week.

Now it's once a month if you're lucky.

Deciding to quit feeling sorry for yourself, you key in your passcode to your phone and open the message from Justin.

Justin: hey, wanna chill at mine today :)

You check your calendar to see if you have anything planned for today and you are completely free.

Hanging out at his house seems like a good to get your mind off things.

Home is the last place you would want to be.

You: sounds good. See you in 15

You roll yourself out of your warm and snug duvet and drag yourself into the shower.

Switching off the water and wrapping yourself in your towel, you attempt to brush your tangled locks and apply a little bit of mascara to your lashes.

You don't really feel the need to wear makeup around Justin, he says you're beautiful naturally. (Aww all my readers are! ily)

You change into your black skinny jeans and a white crop top and head out the door.

But before you open the door to your car, your mum stops you by grabbing your wrist.

"Where do you think you're going? So help me if you leave this house you're gone. You can get out and stay out." she threatens and you can literally see flames in her eyes.

you look her straight in the eyes and swiftly remove your wrist from her tight grip and hop into your car slamming the door shut.

Not allowing her to stop you, you zip out of the driveway and make your way to Justin's.

As you pull up in his driveway you don't get out straight away.

Things with your family anew only getting worse and you just don't feel like you're wanted anymore.

A tear falls and that signals more...and more... Until your face is wet with your tears and your head is rested on the stealing wheel in front of you.

You have never felt so upset.

You hear the passenger door open and close so you lift your head to see Justin sitting next to you.

You wipe your eyes in attempt to hide the evidence of your pity party but it's no use.

You know your face is probably covered in dripping mascara by now.


You feel Justin's hand reach over to you to pull the hair away from you face revealing your tear streaked face.

You look over to him and his expression is solemn.

Look at how selfish you are. You feel terrible because now he is upset.

"What's wrong baby girl?" Justin whispers in your ear.

What isn't wrong? What is possibly right in your life right now?

"I'm not wanted anymore. That's what's wrong" you say making your cry even more.

Each word you say crushes you and tips you more and more over the edge.

"Who doesn't want you? What are you talking about?" Justin asks alarmed.

"Mum. She has kicked me out. Dad doesn't want me because he has his new girlfriend and I have no relatives. I feel so unwanted and I guess I'm just not needed anymore" you sob.

Justin grabs both your shoulders with his two hands and face you towards him.

"Now don't you dare say that. You are wanted. I want you. They don't deserve you. You're too good for them. You deserve more respect" he says sternly trying to convince you.

You are tongue tied. You don't know what to say.

You look down at the pedals below your feet.

"You can live with me" Justin blurts out.


Is he serious?

Live with him?

"Please, you have no where else to go and you need me in your life right now. I can help you. Let me fix you"

He wants to fix you.

No one has ever said that to you before.

Do you need fixing?

Hell yes.

"Oh...Oh-k-kay..." You manage to choke out between sobs.

Justin leans his body towards your and plants a soft tender kiss on your forehead and then engulfs you in a warm hug.

This stops you from crying and makes you feel loved.

You haven't felt that in a while.

It feels good.

"I love you" Justin whispers feeling his warm breath on your ear.

"I love you too"

Awww :( cute but not imagine you get me? I'M ACTUALLY SO SORRY I HAVE'NT UPDATED IN WEEKS!!! I have been drowning in assignments and my exams are coming up next week so I have been studying every chance I get. I'm so so so so so sorry :( I promise after next week my chapters will be way more regular! Like once or twice a week I promise! I can't believe how many reads and votes I have! Thankyou!!!! xx

15 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter.

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