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~Haylee's POV~

"You killed him you had your gun at his head like this!!" I felt something hard and cold against the side of my head. He was now holding a gun at me. "Can't you remember when you took another person's life!!?"

I jumped up and was now sitting up in the bed. It's just a dream. It's just a dream! I was sweating and was out of breath. I looked to my other side and watched Tyler sleep peaceful. I keep having nightmares from what happened that night. I still can't remember what Thomas wanted me to.

I went up from the bed and walked downstairs for a glass of water. It was hard getting up. I'm huge now, I'm 8 months pregnant and feel like I'm bigger than the house. My sweet sweet boyfriend always tells me that I look like a cute whale. Which doesn't help...

I sit down in front of the TV and sipped on my water. This pregnant life sucked. I can't drink coffee or any alcohol... and no smoking! This baby have to be freaking cute! The clock was around 10 am and everyone was asleep. They all came home late last night after a mission. They were all more careful than ever about the gang business to make sure we don't have any dangerous enemies that could threaten our new family.

I could feel kicking in my stomach and I hugged my belly carefully. It was like a soccer game in there every morning. But I couldn't stop smiling. My phone buzzed and I picked it up.

Don't forget the family dinner tonight! Everybody is looking forward to seeing you and Tyler!

Mom had sent reminders all week. I decided to meet my family and relatives now when my parents and I had become closer. Tyler told me he would help me with everything since I still can't remember my own family. But he started to regret that, he was afraid of my father. I think my father is like a teddy bear but Tyler thinks he's a teddy bear with the devil's horns.

"We didn't see that you were awake! Breakfast?" I turned around and watched Zach, Linus and James sit down on the couch. James held a plate with egg and bacon to me. I shook my head. "No you eat! That's your plate I can get my own" I smiled at him but as I expected he didn't listen and placed the plate in front of me. 

The guys was very carefully to me, they took care of me and never let me do anything on my own. They didn't even bully me, I mean come on! It's very cute how they care but I need normal, I need them to be mean! It's not only that they are nice to me but they rarely joked around with each other when I'm around, because they were afraid to accidentally hit me or anything. It was frustrating sometimes. But now, mama needs food.

"So should we call you the new mama bear?" Zach smirked at me. I threw a pillow at him right as he was putting food in his mouth. He choked and send me murdering look. Zach was, except from Tyler and Leo, the only one that actually could loosen up around me. "What? You are kind of big you know" now he ducked away from a flying fork. "I swear Zach after the baby is born I will hunt you down and kill you!" he rolled his eyes and didn't believe me. 

I hated that nobody no longer was afraid of me. Okay they were around the time my moodswings was at it's worse, but hey everyone survived. "Like you will succeed 'sis!" I just stared at him. After I got pregnant he had gone on and on about how he was the best fighter here and because I'm pregnant I can't prove him wrong. I've been very carefully when it came to the pregnancy. After Thomas I had some, and by some I mean a lot, injuries and we have been visiting the hospital a lot to make sure nothing was going outside the normal.

"Have you guys settled for a name yet?" Linus asked me from the other side of the table, ignoring Zach. And I couldn't stop smirk at him. "Yes but I won't tell you! You guys will get to know if it's a boy or a girl after the birth" I told him. Both Tyler and I decided not to tell the others just keep it for us until the birth. Well except for my father, who forced it out from Tyler. Tyler always say that my father had been on him about that for months but I was there, it took my father 3 minutes to scare Tyler to tell. He was so scared of my father, it was to fun.

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