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~Haylee's POV~

After Stefan I made it very clear to everyone that I won't leave my seat until I cracked this box. Tyler was furious and even if I insured him that Stefan would never succeed. He had called my father and told him what happened and that Black Tears could stay here as a security but Stefan wasn't welcome. My father understood and told Tyler that he would talk to him.

It's now one and a half day left and I still can't figure it out what to do with this damn box. I tried everything and tried it again. Nothing worked, the numbers it spit out on my computer didn't make any sense. I hated that I wasn't able to crack it, I was a good hacker. I was the best but now... I highly doubt that.

"Baby come on you need sleep! Your brain would work even better if it could rest for a while!" Tyler tried to convince me. "No! There's no time to sleep! And by the way when you sleep your brain doesn't just stop. Your brain is always working from the day you are made until the day you die!" I stated to him. He gave up, "That's insuring to know." 

I looked up for a second to see his face. He looked miserable, he hated to see me like this. I sighed and admitted to my self that one little break would be good, I can take some fresh air. "Come on, I can agreed to one little break. Cigg?" his face turned to a little smile. I walked up and took his hand in mine. I missed him, I did, but right now I have to save everyone.

We came out to the backyard and the sun was about to go down. I leaned my head against his chest and tried to relax. He held me tight and pressed his lips on the top of my head. We stood there and watch the sunset. The sky turned red, yellow and pink. It was beautiful, "Hey! You are going to fix this I promise!" Tyler whispered and looked down on me. How could he have so much trust in me, I haven't get any closer to an answer then yesterday. But I didn't want to argue so I just nodded to him.

"How are the twins doing?" I miss them so much it hurt. "Fine, your mom is staying with mine, to help out every minute. They miss you!" I have never been away from them this long, it was hard not to think about them while I worked.

I've been outside for a long time and it was time to continue with the work. I forced Tyler to sleep because he had the same exact amount of sleep as me, which is none. We need as many rested men as possible. He woke Nat and Lisa to stay up with me, in other words be my security.

I liked having them around, they didn't force me to speak or do anything. They knew why I did this and why I can't spill any more time. But after about three hours they fell asleep again watching a movie. I couldn't wake them up, it wasn't necessary, I wasn't in any danger now.

The room was dark and the only light came from my screen, which I never let go of. But something got my attention. I could hear a scraping sound from outside. I turned my head towards the sound, who or what was out there?

I got up from my chair and walked slowly to the window. I opened the door to get a better view. I could sense the present of somebody. I should wake up the girls, if there is more then one person I couldn't handle it on my own. I turned around to close the door. But just as I was about to close it someone pulled the door open with a big force.

My instincts took over and without any hesitation, I pushed the door into the persons face. I took a grip of one of the arms and wrestled the person to the ground. I could here a women scream.

Nat and Lisa woke up and ran to me. "Who is that!?" Lisa yelled. I looked down on the intruder and the fake blond hair moved from her face, Jessica. Nat and Lisa sighed annoyingly. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Nat asked sharp and pulled her up in a sitting position.

"Before this bitch attacked me I was going to meet Tyler!" she answered and looked at me disgusted. Her nose was bleeding after I hit her with the door. "Well next time you wont try to break in, you slut!" I told her and turned around to the gang who was approaching us. Her scream must have woke them up.

 "What's happening 'lee?" James was the first to walk up to me and laid a secure arm around me. He was huge and felt very small in the moment. Before I answered he saw Jess behind the girls. He started to look nauseous, "I hope that was your doing!" he said hopeful. I nodded and he gave me a squeeze with his arm. "Good girl!" he smiled. 

Leo came next, saw Jess and turned around in a second and walked back to his room. He didn't come far when Tyler came in dragging him. "What the hell is going on? Leo here tells me the devil have made a visit!" he looked at me confused but then he saw Jess. His eyes turned black, "What do you think you are doing here in my house?" he scowled at her. 

She was afraid but brave enough to answer, "You texted me to come over!" she told him carefully and looked insecure at me. "You what!??" I yelled questioning at Tyler, I can't believe he would do that. We got engaged two days ago.

"No! no! I promise you I haven't text her! I forgot my phone at my mother's remember?" he told me. Well he did mention that before when he got home. "But I have a text from you, the same number and everything. You texted me that you missed me, that you were tired of Haylee ignoring you and only focused on the damn computer!" Tyler looked horrified. How could she know that I've been spending my time on a computer if Tyler haven't texted her?

 "I swear I have never sent her anything!" he held up his arms as an innocent gesture and looked me in my eyes. "I have prove!" Jess continued and picked up her phone and gave it to me. And like she said, there it was.

 But the text was sent two hours ago, his phone was at Liz's place. So it wasn't him anyway. I threw the phone to Tyler and walked out the room, "I don't have time for this. You handle that crazy shit!" he looked begging at me but I wasn't in the mood for this drama. Leo wasn't far behind me and I could hear him explain to Tyler that it was his turn to look after me.

~Tyler's POV~

I looked at phone. I haven't sent her any damn text. I deleted her long time ago. The phone showed me that it was sent for two hours ago so it couldn't possibly be me. "You get away from here! We'll keep the phone, we need to know how send you the message" I told her. Zach and Adam pulled her up so she was standing. 

"No it was you! Baby I know it was you!" she begged. I shook my head and looked at her with empty eyes, "I don't want you or need you. I'm engage to Haylee the women I love with all my heart and we have children together now!" I told her and gave Linus a gest for him to open the door so we could shove her out. 

"You are engaged? No that's impossible! You should be with me!! And since when did you want kids? I thought you hated kids!" she screamed to me. Patrick grabbed her shoulder and pulled her outside. "No Jess I'm with Haylee" I stated, "And he have always wanted kids and that shows how little you know about him you bitch!" Nat told her and gave her a murdering look. She looked confused on the gang, everyone had given her a sign what they all thought of her. 

"So you get the hell out of here! I think I'll vomit if I look on your face any longer!" Lisa told her and closed the door. Zach pulled the curtains so we couldn't see her anymore. I threw the phone to Jake, "see what you can find out! Haylee is to busy to look up that now!" he nodded and followed my orders.

I went inside to Haylee who sat in front of the screen again. Leo sat beside her and watched her working. I stood behind her and leaned forward to kiss the top of her head. "You know I didn't sent that text right? I would never think like that about you!" she nodded. "I know baby! And I know it wasn't you!" she didn't sound angry, depressed or stressed. Why? That's how she's been since this stupid box came. 

"Did you find anything?" I asked her. She nodded, my heart was beating harder. "It was Leo's idea. What if it's simpler than I thought. Simon wrote that I should know this. That this wasn't a match for Emma. So when I looked at the numbers again I could see that it was an unfinished code writing. It was Emma who created this!" she sounded excited. The screen showed a bunch of numbers and letters I didn't understand. She did it, she got a clue how to solve it. 

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