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~Haylee's POV~

The screen screamed at my face with a picture of Simon. The face recognizer had a match of him on one of our security cameras. I could see him outside the gate. I looked up on Tyler, "He's here!"

 Everybody turned to me. "What do you mean he's here?" my dad asked me. I turned the computer and showed them. Tyler turned around and watched out the window. We all observed him, is he out there? What should we do? But Tyler turned around again and shook his head, "Nobody is out there. Could it be your computer that's wrong?" he asked me. "No there's nothing wrong with my computer or the programs! If..." I hesitated, no it can't...

I took my computer and opened the command prompt and hoped not to find what I feared. While the numbers searched in the program I looked up on my father. "Is Simon a hacker in some kind of way? Did he work with computers?" It wasn't my dad who answered. "Kind of? Simon and you was always about all that stuff! You were the best one and he was always jealous of you" Stefan met my eyes and they looked deep into mine with a kind of sparkle. 

He have never talked to me since I choose to stay with Tyler. I was shocked at first that he spoke to me but then what he said explained it all. As I was about to talk again my codes we finished. 

"If he is back we need to take care of him!" Tyler talked to everybody. I listen with just one ear because what my computer was telling me now was unbelievable. How could he have been able to crack my security wall? Not even Rick could.

"Haylee what do you say?" I looked up at them. They were trying to talk to me. "Simon isn't out there but he was!" I told them ignored the question for now. "What do you mean?" Linus asked confused.

 I turned the computer again, "He was here for two days ago and he hacked into my system and made it seem like he was here today!" They looked at the video where they all could see him in front of the gate. 

"What is he doing there? Is he leaving something?" Zach pointed at my screen, I turned it to me and rewound the video and zoomed in. "It seems like he left something in the mailbox" I told them. My father and Mr. Walker stoop up and went out to look. Some of their men followed them.

Our moms came down with the twins while we waited. "No not here mom! Take them outside, I don't want them inside the house now until we say anything else!" Tyler pointed out to the backyard. What was he thinking about? 

"And I want you all to go out to!" he looked around on the rest of us and everybody, even Stefan did what he ordered except for me. "Haylee go outside!" I shook my head. "Why should I?" he stood in front of me and looked down on my face. 

"Haylee that could be a bomb or anything dangerous. You might get hurt if you stay inside!" he laid his palm on the side of my face. I took it away, "So if it is, you are okay with being blown up? No! And it's me he want not the rest, what he left was for me and you" I refused to move, I'm not letting anybody sacrifice for me. 

Sure I want to live for my children but he can't use that on me he is the father. He looked at me and was about to say something when the door opened and our fathers came in. "Guys, you go out!" my dad told his men that followed his order. I was glad he didn't start to argue with me. He placed a box on the table and we stood around it.

Slowly, I opened the box. Inside laid a little piece of paper on a metal box with a little screen on it. I took the paper and read out loud.

Dear Haylee

Here's a little gift for you. If you're still as good like before, this will be a piece of cake. If you don't crack the code this little metal box make sure your life will be a hard one. I won't say what it do because if you don't succeed, I want it to be a surprise. But if you do crack it I'll stop coming after you and your family for good.

Ps... when you connect the box the countdown will start.

Love Big brother.

"He is mental! What the hell!!" Tyler yelled. My father looked sad on the little box, I could see his disappointment for his son. Mr. Walker just looked disapproval on the letter.

 I put down the note and picked up the box. What could it contain, its weigh was very little, could it be a bomb? But the note said that it would make my life hard not that I would die. I turned it around in my hand but I couldn't found any other opening then the screen.

"What do you think?" Tyler pulled me closer to him, I just shook my head. "I've never seen anything like this, it could be just an easy code but I don't think so. But I have to try, if I succeed he will stop hurting us for good" I could see that he didn't want me to go near that box but he knew I was right. I always was.

We decided that the twins would stay at Taylor's parents' house until we knew it was safe for them to be here. It was the hardest thing I've ever done, leaving my children. Even Tyler had a hard time giving them over to his mom. For Zach... He gave them all a ride back to their house... 

So it was just me, the gang and Black Tears left. Stefan told us that they would work as extra security if Simon would do something again. Right now was Stefan the only one except from my father that knew Simon best. 

It was nothing else to do now except for connecting the box. Tyler wanted to wait so that we could have at least one chill night at home just us. But I wasn't going to wait another second. I want this threat gone and I want to have my children home with me without being death marked.

 I connected the box to my computer and opened the different programs I thought I would need. The box's little screen lit up and the count down started: 71:59. I only had three days to crack it. 


Hey guys! I want to thank all my readers! But lately I've got some complains of my books. I'm all for criticism to help me improve my books but every message is the same. So I decided that I explain it here so we all can go on with our life. 

There have been complains about my spelling and grammar. Well yes there are a lot mistakes in my books and I do my very best to fix it. But sadly, I have a hard time with my dyslexia and do everything I can to make it readable. English is my second language and I cant even my native language. I'm 20 soon 21 and still cant speak, read or write in proper Swedish. But I love to write and I will continue with that and my lovely little sister are going to help me here on Wattpad and when she have time to log in on my site, she will fix some of my mistakes.

So those of you out there who cant stand som mistakes, I'm sorry then you'll have to stop reading because there is a lot of mistakes. But as I said love criticism to improve my books and I don't mean messages like "You spell like a two years old! stop writing for everybody's sake!" no those I delete! But I want to thank you all my readers and those how have written to me with love and respect! <3

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