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~Haylee's POV~

When I woke up the next day I hoped that everything was just a dream but when did I get my wishes granted? I walked down to the others, they were in the kitchen fighting and Dwain had joined us now. "You know we have to do it Ty! We need his help!" it was Nat who begged him about something.

 "I don't like him either but it's for Ace you know what we have to do!" Lisa continued and the other except Leo and Dwain seemed too agreed. "What are you guys talking about? What do you have to do?" I asked them. They spinned around and met me. "We have to call in the big guns!" Linus who stood closest to me explained.

"The big guns?" what do you mean?" I continued. Tyler exchanged a sad look with Dwain and Leo. "Dwain's big brother Jax" he sighed. Who's what now? "I didn't know you had a brother" I told Dwain and he just nodded without saying anything. 

"You see 'lee Jax isn't the most ... " Zach glanced at Alexa who sat beside him. "Good person!" he ended. He had something else in mind he didn't want to say out loud near Alex. I was confused, "But can he help us? Can he help us get Ace back?" they all nodded. "He's the best of the best on mostly anything!" Nat told me.

 "So what are we waiting for? Call him! I do anything to get my son back and you should think so too Ty!" he didn't argue and nodded to Dwain who sighed high but picked up his phone.

"So Dwain have a brother?" I stated to Tyler. He walked up to me and held me in his arms. "Yeah, Jax is his older brother and he's ... something" and he kissed me on the top on my head. Dwain came back in after about twenty minutes and looked down, "He'll be here any minute now" I didn't know if I should feel nervous or scarred. But he would help us get Ace back so I don't care as long I get my son back.

Jax was as Tyler said older then we and he was smoking hot. "Why would you guys need me? I can see you already have Black Tears old boss!!" he came up to me with his hand ready to shake. "Hey Jax, big fan!" he greeted me and we shook hands. I looked confused, what did he mean? 

"Jax I told you about the accident and memory loss" Dwain punched him from the back. Jax blinked and then looked at me, "Right you have gone softy!" okay that made me furious! But before anybody could say anything ha clapped his hand together. "So what can I do for you?" and he turned to Tyler.

We were all sitting down on the couches and explained everything for him. "So me and Haylee got kids..." Tyler tried to explain but Jax interrupted him. "Mazel tov!" he said and I could see Tyler's and Dwain's eyes go like a rollercoaster as they rolled their eyes. 

"But my son Ace was kidnapped yesterday and we need your help to get him back!" Tyler continued. It was hard for him to say it out loud I held his hand and it nearly crushed mine. "Wait so you say that your kid is kidnapped?" Jax asked shocked. Tyler nodded, "By who?" Jax continued and I could feel my face turning red. 

"My brother..." I whispered and he looked puzzled at me. "Okay your family is crazy mental!" he stated but leaned back on the couch and watched Tyler. "I'll do it! I will help you!" the rest of the gang looked mistrusted at him and he just shrugged. "What? It's about a kid!! I actually have a heart!" Dwain started to cough like he choked on something. "Watch out bro!"JAx threatened Dwain and they started to argue but I felt more relaxed, I don't know why they thought Jax could help us but I trust them and I will get Ace back!

"So we will have to make up with a plan! So softy and Ty-Ty here can get their kid back!" Jax started after he sat on Dwain's face. Dwain tried to push him away without succeeding. "Hey I'm the leader! You are just going to help us but I'm still in charge!" Tyler told him and Jax gave him a thumb up.

 "So you guys give me everything you got on this and I'll see what to do from that!" Jax ignored what Tyler just said. "Hey! I told you I'm in charge, remember!" but Jax just looked at Tyler like he was a kid. "Yeah I remember. I just don't care"

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