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Haylee's POV

Everything was finally over. No more Simon, no more threat. I couldn't wait to se the twins again, it felt like forever since the last time. Liz came back home as soon as we had called them and brought me my kids. I could hold them forever, I've never been this happy in my life. When I opened my arms to them they both ran into my arms and yelled "mommy!" they had grown so fast! 

The rest of the gang was out that evening and let me, Tyler and the kids have the house alone. We just had a calm evening, just taking the moment in. It was wonderful to have everything back to normal.

When the kids fell to sleep, Tyler and I rested in the couch holding each other. "You know what?" Tyler whispered to me as he pulled back from me and held my face in his hands. I shook my head, "I'm so happy having you back with me! But promise me never to do that again! And to never leave me like that ever again!" I looked into his eyes. 

I know I hurt him when I didn't tell him about the plan or how to get Ace back. I nodded, "I promise! I will never leave you again!" a big smile appeared on his face and pressed his lips against mine before he pulled away again. "Good because..." he took something out from his pocket. "Do you still want to marry me? So soon as possible before anything else screws up our plan?" he laughed. I smiled bigger than I ever done, "Of course you idiot!" I yelled and threw my self over him.

He placed the ring on my finger and then kissed me gently. I pulled him closer as I took of his shirt. "Are you sure?" he whispered carefully to me between his breaths. "Never been surer in my entire life!" I told him and silent him with my lips.

The following days we all planed the wedding. We sat the date in just three weeks. We didn't want to wait or give the universe any loophole to send someone more to try to kill us. The whole gang helped with the planning and decisions. We decided to have a small outdoor wedding with just our family and friends. Nothing too big, Leo and Zach tried to convince us to get marry in a caste, riding in on a horse, have fireworks and etc. Guess who's only work is to place out the chairs on this wedding?

I didn't want any big wedding, the important thing is that I had Tyler. Nat and Lisa helped me to find a wedding dress, I found the perfect one! Tyler and Linus fixed the rings, I trusted Linus more than anyone else on the taste. Jake and Adam was very happy to decide the cake. Patrick with some help from Dwain fixed a little band and the music. Tyler's mother fixed with the flower and my mom with the decorations. Our father's only work was to stay out of the way. So they spend almost the whole time with the twins.

This would a magical day, not just because Tyler and I get marry but also that this wedding is made by everyone we love. 

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