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~Haylee's POV~

I dragged Tyler away from Stefan and the other ran outside. Two of Stefan's men helped him up and stared mistrusting at Tyler. "What was that good for?" I asked him sharped. He refused to leave Stefan out of his sight but answered me, "I told him not to get to close to you or I would punch him!" he was talking between his teeth as he clenched his jaw.

 "He was comforting me and nothing else! You cant just go and punch people like that and especially not those who is helping us!" I was actually yelling now. This was Jake all over again! But this time he wasn't drunk, so he couldn't blame on that. He turned and looked concerned at me, "Why did he comfort you? What's going on?" he sounded worried.

 "No its nothing just me being stupid okay! I just don't like the idea that people getting hurt because of me!" I couldn't meet his eyes. I was actually ashamed now for thinking like that, I now these guys and I now they do it because they want to and if I would try to talk them out of it they would do it anyway.

"But baby they don't do it because of you! It's because of Simon, it's him who are responsible for everything. And nobody could stand by and watch you die! We are all family, you know that and you would do the same! We all love you!" I know what he said was true but it was hard. Before I was captured by them I never had a family or nobody. Just some vague memories and nothing else. I'm not use to this helping sort of thing. 

"But you can't just hit someone out of the blue like that! He didn't do anything inappropriate!" his eyes was narrowed again and he looked away at Stefan again. His friends looked like they could start a war any second. "No he deserved it! You know what he want and I did warn him but he didn't listen!" I was actually furious at him, but Alex started to cry inside the house. 

Without looking at Tyler or anybody I went in, "I'll go and take care of our children so you can stay out here and playing a child!" Nobody moved as I walked, Zach who usually runs to Alex when she screams was like a statue and let me get in. "Baby!" I could hear Tyler begging me from behind but I ignored him.

I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and watch Linus and Patrick feeding the twins. They all were so cute. My anger didn't return until Tyler was back inside. "Killed him yet or are you waiting until he'll just say hey to me?" I snapped at him. "I'm not going to kill him! Now..." I glared at him and he just smirked at me. 

Stefan and his gang walked in to us and was ready to go. I could see Tyler go after his gun like reflex, "Tyler don't you even think about it!" I warned him, he looked at me with his puppy eyes. "What I wasn't doing anything!" he tried. "I can see your gun, unless you're SO extreme that you have a second dïck coming out of your hip! You stupid piece of crap" he surrendered with his arms in the air. 

Stefan and his gang had to leave and after the dinner we all went to bed, tomorrow it was Tyler and I on the stalking mission. I was going to leave my babies. It actually hurt but I needed to follow Simon. When we laid down I turned around with my back towards Tyler who sight. "It's you who are the baby now! I'm not going to say I'm sorry you know damn well why I did it and if you remember last time he tried something at you, you were furious too!" I turned so I faced him when I answered.

 "But I didn't punch him, did I? I'm not that person anymore!" I turned around again but I didn't push him away when he put his arms around me and held me in a tight comforting cuddle. "I love you too much baby! I can't stand to see him that close to you! I love you with all my heart!" he whispered in my ear and kissed my head before he went to sleep. I loved him with all my heart too, more than it is healthy.

It took us about an hour before we hit the road because I couldn't leave the twins. Jake and Zach who would stay with them assured me that they would be fine and they would call if anything happened. Tyler and I drove in silent, we haven't talked much the whole day. We split the road with the others and made a turn out for the country while the others would split again further on the road.

"Please talk to me! I hate when you're silent! Which is ironic because when we first met I would've done anything to shut you up!" I sighed I hated to stay angry at him for this long. "Fine but you have to promise to stop doing that! You can hit him if he actually have done something wrong!" he hesitated but nodded, "Fine I promise!" I took up my pinky and he just laughed but we did a pinky promise.

"Why are we even driving in this woods? What would Simon do here?" I asked curiously this was like an hour drive from the city. "Your father told me you guys have a cabin out here and he might use it because you stopped after your accident!" I nodded. So more things I can't remember... I'm just glad that the headache problem haven't happened in almost a year.

Tyler parked the car between some trees and we looked at, what looked like an abandoned house. I looked curiously over the house and the yard. It actually seemed familiar! 

I could see a little girl running around and chased a little boy that stolen her toy car. And a little older boy that caught the other boy and wrestled him down. "I recognize it!!" I gasped. Tyler took my hand in his and he kissed it. "I hoped you would. This was the place where we first met!" I turned my head towards him and dropped my jaw. This was where we first met, where our first ever pinky promise was made and where we promised to never get married.

"I was thinking that because we will break the promise we made so many years ago we could make a new one here!" he held up his pinky again. My heart was beating faster than a freaking nascar. And I held up my pinky and tied it with his. "Haylee Turner I promise you that I'll marry you. That I'll always love you with all my heart and that we always will be a family! I'm so grateful that you have brought me my dream, our kids and I will forever do anything to make you this happy that I'm! Even if that include to not punch Stefan" he gazed into my eyes without blinking.

 "Tyler Walker I will always love you more than you can imagine! And I don't know if this mean that it's my turn to lecture you in birds and bees but it's thanks to you too that our kids is here in this crazy world. You're already making me as happy that I could ever be and I love you so much for it because you are the reason why" we kissed each other passionately before turning back our attention for the stake out. This must be the most romantic someone have ever done to me except for the proposal but second!

After a few hours just staring on the empty house Tyler's phone buzzed and I jumped up. What if it's Zach or Jake? What if something is wrong with the kids? Tyler planted a calming hand on my leg as he answered. "Hey! What's...." someone interrupted him and his jaw clenched so hard that I could almost hear his teeth broke. 

"We are on our way! Make sure she is fine and set someone to find that fucking idiot!" He screamed to the person in the other end. He stepped on the gas and drove furiously and aggressive away. "Tyler? What's going on!?" I tried but I have never seen him this furious before, he looked terrified. 

"Tyler?" I tried again but still no answer. We were going so fast on the road that everything seemed blurry. "TYLER?!" I screamed at him, he scarred me now. What was going on? What happened!? He closed his eyes for a second like what he was about to tell hurt just to say it.

 "Ace is gone. They were attacked" my heart fell. I was first in chock, I couldn't breathe. Where are my son? "We will find him! I'm going to kill that son of a bitch that's responsible for this!" Tyler told me and held my hand as he stepped harder on the gas. Someone have taken my son away from me. Ace was gone.

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