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~Haylee´s POV~

When I woke up I found myself in Tyler’s arms. He was still in yesterday’s cloths and was in a deep sleep. Carefully I pulled myself out of bed to not wake him up and headed down stairs.

Before I got the time to scan the room a pair of boxing gloves hit my head. I caught them and looked confused up on Zach. “I need to train and you need to let out some steam!” without waiting for an answer he went outside and expected me to follow.

He was right, I was still feeling ashamed from what I did yesterday and that can’t happen out of nowhere again. What if I accidently hurt one of the others?

I put on the gloves and we started. First we trained our kicks and Zach had troubles with moving his hips so that took forever before we started with our punching.

Zach was really strong and good at his technique so when we started to line up some actually fights I was inferior for the most of the time until I found his weak spot, his hip movement. And attacked him from the right angle, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

I took a firm grip around his body so he couldn’t move. “Fine! I give up!” he laughed between his panting. I joined in and helped him up on his feet. We both turned around when we heard a cute little laughed from the house.

Alex who was in Tyler’s arms was laughing as she saw us train.
When we walked up to her Zach took her in his arms and Tyler laid his around me.

“How can you guys do this for that long?” he asked me and kissed my head. “What do you mean?” Tyler is used to train as well and this wasn’t anything new. “Since I woke up you guys was at it in three hours! It´s lunch time!” I looked at Zach whose face was a mirror of mine, we started to train around eight so for four hours. Well we both needed that and I felt much better after I got to punch on Zach.

After we had ate and showered we all sat down in the living room and discussed yesterday’s event. I held Simon's phone in my hands and examined his information.

Nothing out of the ordinary someone have on their phones. Some numbers, texts and pictures, and neither of those showed any signs about Ace.

“So what we need now is Softy here to get us some more information about where he can be!” Jaz pointed at me as he spoke. “I can see what I can do but you guys should keep do the stake outs!” they all nodded.

Alex wanted to sit with me as I connected the phone to my computer. She was calm  and just looked at the computer with a big interest. She was exhausted she had a hard time sleeping because she missed her brother.

When I started to search the destinations Simon had called from I sat down with Zach and Tyler with Alex and played. Zach was the one she went to as soon she were on her own feet. "That's my good girl!" He said and clapped his hands before he held her.

she smiled and looked up on him "Athe" We all turned to her "What's that now?" Tyler asked. "Athe" she said again and looked on her father with a pair of big eyes. "Is she saying what I think she is saying?" Zach asked us as he looked at her.

"Ace" I breathed out, my heart stopped and sank to the ground. I was near my tears, "That a girl!" Tyler told Alex as he picked her up, I could tell that it hurt him to. Our kids first words had been each others names and Alex is missing Ace and wonders where he is.

"Ace is soon home!" Tyler told her with a calm voice. He was really good at holding his poker face when I'm about to cry. My computer started to peep and the searching was finished so I took my chance to hide my face behind the screen. It wasn't the program, I've got another message from Simon. I opened it and started to read:

Dear sister if you tell anybody you received this message I will hurt my nephew...

My heart was still in my body because I could feel it starting to beat harder then ever.

"What is it baby? Found him ?" I looked up from the screen and to Tyler. I can't tell him so I just shook my head to him "No not yet " he nodded and went back the attention to Alex. And I kept reading.

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