Chapter 3

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I passed the papers out to the students, watching as some sighed in relief and others looked disappointed.

"When you're done looking at the results on your tests leave them in the basket and you're free to go to lunch," I announced.

Students began putting their stuff away as I finally got to Gee, who was last in the alphabet. He sat anxiously, hands wringing together. I almost didn't want to give him his test back but I sighed and set it down on his desk.

His eyes widened, lip immediately quivering. Everyone left rather quickly and I went to sort out the pile of papers. I heard a sob behind me and looked back to Gee, who had his head down in his arms on his desk. I sighed, kneeling beside him as I glanced at the paper that said C- on the top of it.

"Gee?" I asked quietly.

He sniffled and looked up and I felt my heart tug with sadness.

"I-I'm sorry," he whimpered, wiping his eyes.

"I know this isn't one of your best scores," I said. "You've probably just been distracted lately."

He sniffled and nodded.

"Well, I have to get these tests into the grade book by the end of the day," I said, "But if you think you can get a better score then I can let you retake it right now."

"R-really?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded. Retakes are something that aren't allowed in this school. But can it really hurt if nobody knows?

I grabbed his test, setting it on my desk. I gave him a new test and he took a few breaths of composure as he quickly started working. I ate my lunch at my desk, sitting on my computer as I checked my e-mails. Lunch was almost over when Gee walked up.

"I'm done, Mr. Iero," he said, handing me the paper.

"Thank you, Gee," I said. "And we can just keep this between us, yeah?"

"Yes, sir," Gee replied.

He hurried off to lunch and I looked at his paper. I went through and graded it, seeing that his score wasn't barely any better than the first time. I bit my lip and grabbed a pencil, changing some of his answers so his score was up to a B+. I tossed away his old test and put his new one in with the rest of the pile.

I was breaking so many rules but I didn't really care. I didn't wanna see Gee upset, it was heartbreaking for me. I'd break a million rules just to make him happy.

Lunch ended and the door opened. I looked over to see Gee standing there. His makeup had been fixed and the tears were wiped from his face.

"H-how'd I do?" He asked.

I smiled, standing up and walking to him and handed him the test. Gee shrieked happily, giving me a big hug. I blinked, patting his back nervously. I wanted to hug him back but I was pretty sure that would be crossing a line and something a teacher shouldn't do.

"Thank you!" He exclaimed.

Gee pulled away, smiling happily as he looked at the bubbled in test. I couldn't help but think that he looked so fucking adorable with his wide smile and bright hazel eyes. My first thought was just about him being my little and my heart skipped a beat at the thought.

I've had a couple littles in my time. Three of them, two boys and a girl. They were all sweet but none of us worked out. I've wanted a new little for the longest time now. And god, I couldn't help but notice how Gee would seem like the perfect little for me.

"Yeah," I replied quietly. "You should get off to class now."

He smiled and nodded, handing me the test and hurrying off to his next class. Because I know from him being in my class that he absolutely hates being late for his lessons. I can always expect him to be a few minutes early for class, sitting readily in the front of the class with his notebook and pen already out.

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